
The Rise of “Blue Gold”: Which Countries Hold the Most Water Resources?

The Potential of Cobalt Production in Chile for a Sustainable Future

Cobalt, also known as “blue gold,” plays a crucial role in the global energy transition.
Chile, with its abundant reserves, has the potential to become a world leader in the production of this metal.
Through innovative and sustainable technologies, the country can not only meet the growing demand for cobalt but also contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.

Named “blue gold” for its importance, cobalt is a mineral gaining significance in the global economy.
With the chemical symbol “Co” and atomic number “27,” it possesses unique properties essential for various industrial and technological applications.
The increasing demand for cobalt, alongside lithium, is being driven by the need for materials in energy transition and electromobility.

Chile’s Role in Cobalt Production

Chile, renowned for its vast lithium reserves, is emerging as a potential leader in cobalt production.
Studies estimate that the country could produce up to 15,000 tons of cobalt annually from its mining residues.
As a byproduct of copper and nickel extraction, cobalt can be retrieved using innovative and sustainable technologies, positioning Chile as a crucial hub for global tech and automotive industries.

Applications of Cobalt

Cobalt is vital for manufacturing lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles.
Its properties help extend battery life, reduce size, and prevent overheating, contributing to enhanced efficiency and autonomy in electric vehicles.
Additionally, cobalt’s wear, corrosion resistance, and high-temperature capabilities make it indispensable in various industrial machinery, aerospace applications, gas turbines, and nuclear power plants.

Moreover, cobalt’s significance extends to healthcare, where the radioactive isotope cobalt-60 is utilized in cancer therapy.
Emitting gamma radiation, cobalt-60 treats deep-seated tumors with precision and reliability, making it a valuable tool in medicine.

Chile’s Approach to Cobalt Extraction

The bio-mining project in Chile aims not only to recover cobalt from mining residues but also to establish a circular economy.
By eliminating pyrite from copper extraction waste, the project reduces environmental impact, valorizes waste, improves recovery efficiency, and cuts energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions.
Utilizing bacteria for bioleaching, the project prevents potential environmental disasters by removing pyrite, which can generate sulfuric acid when exposed to water and air.

Chile currently has 764 waste deposits, with the highest cobalt concentration located in the Atacama and Coquimbo regions, known for IOCG (iron-oxide-copper-gold) deposits.
With primary exploitation of these regions, Chile could reach a total production of 25,000 tons per year, further solidifying its position in the global cobalt market.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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