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The current whereabouts and activities of Claudio Lippi: What is the ousted TV host doing today?

What Happened to Claudio Lippi?

For some time now, the host Claudio Lippi has not appeared on any television program, with a recent post on Linkedin reigniting the spotlight on his removal from Rai.
Last year, Claudio Lippi gave an interview to La Stampa that sparked controversy.
He stated, contested the interview – “He made gay men and women work just for the reason of being gay – as referred to the former Head of Prime Time Entertainment Stefano Coletta.
Many who had no skills, Rai used to make coming out.
But what do you think? Shouldn’t we heterosexuals also come out, right?”.
Regarding the new direction following the center-right’s victory in the elections and the establishment of the Meloni government, he expressed – “Enough with the propaganda of Fazio and Annunziata.
Enough with the ‘kulture’ with a K.
We need Giorgia’s popular language”.
At the time, Rai’s reaction was harsh – “Some statements made by Claudio Lippi reported by the media damage the reputation of Rai and its executives.
Therefore, any collaboration with the host is to be excluded”.
Since then, Claudio Lippi has not appeared on any Rai program.
Recently, he commented on his removal on Linkedin, addressing a post by Rai’s CEO, Roberto Sergio, in memory of Pier Francesco Forleo.
“This is not the most ideal situation – Claudio Lippi wrote.
I am still waiting to be reinstated after being excluded from the company following years of honorable service due to a decision that did not involve a democratic discussion with my version of an interview never given, which you chose to believe for the sake of peace with your ‘executives’ (one above all, Dr.
I fear it may be too late for you to offer me a contract as you did for Insegno, Giletti, De Martino, Chiambretti.
But I have an excellent memory”.

Cladio Lippi’s Career and Personal Life

Claudio Lippi, born on June 3, 1945, in Milan, has had a rich personal life being married twice.
First to actress Laura Belli, with whom he has a daughter, and later to Kerima Simula, with whom he has another daughter.
His career spans as a television host and singer, with an interesting fact from the ’70s where he was one of the Italian voices for the cartoon series Barbapapà.

Claudio Lippi’s Current Endeavors

An iconic figure in Italian television, Claudio Lippi began his career as a singer in the ’60s before transitioning to a successful television career in the following decade at Rai.
He gained popularity through hosting various editions of ‘Giochi senza frontiere’.
In the ’80s, he moved to Mediaset, becoming a prominent face on ‘Buona Domenica’ and hosting editions of ‘Il pranzo è servito’.
After hosting ‘Mai dire gol’, the new millennium saw his return to Rai, starring in successful programs like ‘Domenica in’, ‘Tale e quale show’, and ‘La prova del cuoco’.
Amid health issues, including heart surgery with three bypasses, Claudio Lippi’s current concern revolves around his removal from Rai.
It remains to be seen if Rai will include Lippi in the upcoming season’s lineup following his plea to CEO Sergio, as the host eagerly awaits a call from Viale Mazzini.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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