Centri assistenza fiscale (CAF)

Where to File Your Tax Return for Free in 2024

How and Where to Submit the 730/2024 Model for Free

With the start of the declaration season and approaching the date from which it’s possible to send the 730 to the Revenue Agency, let’s see how to submit it without having to pay, saving both on compilation and submission.

What are the Most Common Changes to Make to the Model?

Contributors often have to integrate, correct, and modify the data already entered by the tax administration to make their declaration truthful.
The most common changes concern the substitute tax, the family members section, and the incurred expenses.
Those living in rental properties might find that even though the lease contract is registered, it does not appear among the deductible expenses.
Additionally, for those with multiple income statements, adjustments in the work income section are necessary to include worked days and be eligible for the corresponding deductions.

Where and How to Submit the 730 for Free

The only way to submit the 730 declaration for free is independently, using the precompiled model made available annually by the Revenue Agency.
To access it, you need a digital identity such as SPID, Electronic Identity Card (CIE), or National Health Service Card (CNS) to create an account on the Revenue Agency’s portal.
Through your account, you can access your precompiled 730 model with the data provided by various sources.

For those who need to accept and submit the precompiled 730/2024 without modifications, the choice is straightforward.
However, for those who have some confidence and experience in tax return compilation, opting for this method can be viable, especially when dealing with minor adjustments in total autonomy.

Costs of Filing the 730 at the Caf

Caf centers offer 730 compilation services, with costs varying based on the complexity of the declaration, deductible expenses, declarant’s income, and the number of individuals included in the declaration.
Prices generally range from 10 to 60 euros, potentially increasing if additional services or associative fees are required.

Costs of Filing the Tax Return with a Tax Consultant

Choosing a tax consultant comes with a higher cost due to their hourly rates being higher.
Prices for 730 compilation or verification of precompiled data by a consultant start at around 120 euros and can exceed 400 euros for more complex cases.

While opting for autonomous compilation is the most economical choice, delegating to a Caf or a tax consultant provides reassurance and access to expert control tools for potential tax breaks.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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