

  • Prescrizione

When Do Tax Collection Notices Expire?

```html When do tax collection notices expire? Tax collection notices do have a validity period, and after a certain time,… Read More

6 days ago
  • Prescrizione

How to Get Refunded on Postal Savings Bonds After Expiry and Expiry Date

Can You Get a Refund After Expiration and Prescription with Postal Savings Bonds? Postal savings bonds (PSBs) are considered safe… Read More

2 months ago
  • Prescrizione

When is the unpaid Rai license prescribed?

When is the unpaid Rai license prescribed? How much time must pass for the obligation to pay the Rai license… Read More

6 months ago
  • Prescrizione

Prescription of fines 2024: after how long and what happens when the deadline expires

Fine prescription 2024, after how long? Like any debt, fines for violating the strafa code are also subject to statute… Read More

6 months ago
  • Prescrizione

Prescription of work credits 2024: terms and effective date for salaries, overtime, severance pay

Employment credits are subject to statute of limitations, therefore there is a maximum time established by law to be able… Read More

6 months ago
  • Prescrizione

Prescription of unpaid INPS contributions, this is when they are lost

Unpaid social security contributions are also subject to statute of limitations.This means that after a certain period of time, the… Read More

6 months ago
  • Prescrizione

Car tax prescription 2024: when do the deadlines for not paying start?

Expired car tax, when does the prescription start? After how long is the payment of the "old" tax no longer… Read More

6 months ago
  • Prescrizione

What payments are due in 6 months?

Credit rights must be exercised within a certain period of time, otherwise they lapse due to the statute of limitations.The… Read More

8 months ago
  • Prescrizione

Prescription of unpaid invoices, by when the money can be recovered

Invoices, representing credits, are also subject to prescription.This means that after a certain period of time they can no longer… Read More

9 months ago