Michele Santoro

AWM-Michele Santoro

  • Michele Santoro

Political Polls: Renzi and Salvini’s Downfall, Santoro’s Surge, Meloni and M5s Approval

Latest Political Survey by Swg Decrease in Support for Forza Italia and Noi Moderati According to the latest political survey… Read More

4 months ago
  • Michele Santoro

European Elections 2024: Celebrity Candidates in the Race for a Seat

The Rise of Celebrity Candidates in European Elections Do you remember Carola Rackete, the famous "captain" in charge of the… Read More

4 months ago
  • Michele Santoro

Political Polls: Meloni and Renzi’s Decline, Pd’s Soar, Santoro and De Luca’s Approval.

The Latest Political Survey Revealed by Swg The most recent political survey conducted by Swg and broadcasted by Tg La7… Read More

5 months ago