Bonus ristrutturazioni

AWM-Bonus ristrutturazioni

  • Bonus ristrutturazioni

Third building amnesty: what can be fixed and what is excluded

The Third Building Amnesty and the recent ruling The Third Building Amnesty, regulated by law 326 of 2003, was the… Read More

2 months ago
  • Bonus ristrutturazioni

New regulations and 50% bonus for balconies with verandas in 2024.

Transforming a Balcony into a Veranda: Regulations and Benefits in 2024 For the entire year 2024, homeowners can take advantage… Read More

3 months ago
  • Bonus ristrutturazioni

How to Fill in Property Order Number on Form 730/2024 Section IIIA and IIIB

How to Fill in Sections IIIA and IIIB of the 730/2023 Model Sections IIIA and IIIB of Frame E of… Read More

4 months ago
  • Bonus ristrutturazioni

Verandas on the balcony with new rules and 2024 50% bonus

If you want to build a veranda on your balcony, is it possible to benefit from the construction bonuses still… Read More

8 months ago