Acquisto di un immobile

AWM-Acquisto di un immobile

The cost of building land: analyzing prices per square meterThe cost of building land: analyzing prices per square meter
  • Acquisto di un immobile

The cost of building land: analyzing prices per square meter

Buying Land: A Comprehensive Guide Buying a house in today's market is a rather complicated process.The real estate market trends… Read More

8 months ago
First home bonus 2024, who can still request it?First home bonus 2024, who can still request it?
  • Acquisto di un immobile

First home bonus 2024, who can still request it?

Is it still possible to use the home bonus for under 36s in 2024? The answer is yes, but with… Read More

1 year ago
Registration tax on a house purchased at auction, how is it calculated?Registration tax on a house purchased at auction, how is it calculated?
  • Acquisto di un immobile

Registration tax on a house purchased at auction, how is it calculated?

If I purchase the house at auction, can I pay the registration tax using the "price-value method" instead of calculating… Read More

1 year ago