
Property Tax Declaration 2024: Deadline and Instructions for the New Form

IMU Declaration 2024: Deadline and Instructions

The deadline for submitting the IMU declaration is set for June 30, 2024.
According to the latest ministerial instructions, the declaration not only applies to the year it is submitted but also for the following years, unless there are changes affecting the amount of tax due.
Essentially, you don’t need to submit an IMU declaration every year, unless there are variations in your assets.
Who is required to submit it?

According to the Budget Law of 2020, a decree from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in agreement with the National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI), outlines specific cases in which the declaration should be submitted.
This includes situations where significant changes have occurred for the calculation of the IMU.

Who Needs to Submit the IMU Declaration? When is it Mandatory?

There is some confusion about when it is mandatory to submit the IMU declaration.
Let’s delve into the instructions provided by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The IMU declaration is required in two main cases: when real estate properties benefit from tax reductions and the Municipality lacks the necessary information to verify the correct payment of IMU.
For example, this includes uninhabitable buildings, properties subject to a reduced tax rate by the Municipality, or uncultivated agricultural land owned by direct cultivators or professional agricultural entrepreneurs.

Furthermore, the IMU declaration must be submitted if, for instance, the property is leased, the area has become buildable after the demolition of a building, or if the property has lost or acquired the right to IMU exemption during the year.
Starting from 2023, it is necessary to submit the IMU declaration for assets classified as “goods for sale”, benefiting from an exemption established by the Budget Law of 2020.

Instructions for Filling out the IMU Declaration Form 2024

The new form requires the completion of the taxpayer section with all the identification details of individuals or legal entities.
The declarant section should be completed only if the person submitting the declaration is different from the taxpayer, for example, a legal representative, a condominium administrator, a curator, a tax representative, an heir, or other authorized individuals.

Field 19 is a generic field to be ticked only if there are circumstances not covered in the previous sections.
In this case, field 20 must also be completed by describing the reason for ticking field 19.
The “Revenue Agency of…” section should indicate the Revenue Agency office where the act or fact that determined the acquisition or loss of IMU passive status was registered.

IMU Declaration 2024 in Case of Free Loan for Use and Agreed Rent: Simplifications and Doubts

The Growth Decree has eliminated the obligation to submit the IMU declaration to access specific benefits such as a 50% reduction in the taxable base for properties loaned for free to first-degree relatives.
Concerning properties rented at an agreed rent, it is no longer necessary to submit the IMU declaration to benefit from the advantage since Municipalities have the required information to verify compliance.

It is recommended to verify the information provided by your Municipality to dispel any doubts.
How should the IMU declaration be submitted? The declaration must be sent to the Municipality specified on the form cover.
Delivery methods vary: you can personally deliver the completed form to the tax office of the relevant Municipality.
Alternatively, you can send the completed declaration to the Tax Office of the Municipality where the property is located.
In this case, mark the envelope as “IMU DECLARATION” stating the reference year.

A final option is to send the IMU declaration to the Municipality via Certified Email.
It is worth noting that a PEC (Certified Email) is required for this method of transmission.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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