Goodbye gas boiler bonus, news and bans with the green homes directive

Gas boiler bonus soon to arrive: replacing the boiler by choosing a methane one will no longer be subsidized from next year.
This is because the use of fossil fuel boilers, based on what is contained in the Green Homes Directive, will have to be definitively overcome by 2040.
The repeal of the bonuses for the purchase and installation of this type of boiler, however, does not yet place any prohibition on the sale and use of the same: incentives and benefits will simply no longer be provided for those who choose them.
We remind you, in fact, that to replace the boiler, currently, there is a deduction starting from a minimum of 50% and this allows you to recover, through tax deductions, at least half of the expenditure made.
From next year, however, this will no longer be the case.
Let's see what's new in this regard and what should be done.
Goodbye gas boiler bonus The Ecofin Council will approve the green homes directive on April 12th and from what the directive contains there will be significant impacts on home bonuses.
The present provisions oblige Italy to eliminate all existing incentives regarding the purchase and installation of gas boilers.
To implement what is contained in the directive, the executive is already at work starting a mapping of the Italian real estate assets which will be the basis of the energy requalification plan that the provision in question requires.
The stop to incentives for gas boilers is aimed at encouraging the purchase and installation of hybrid systems compared to those powered exclusively by methane.
The stop to tax incentives, in any case, does not only concern boilers, but also air conditioners and heat pumps that use fossil fuels.
Starting from 1 January 2025, the incentives can only be used for appliances that use clean energy or hybrid power.
What bonuses are there today for boilers? Currently, even if you buy and install the gas boiler you can count on two fairly substantial incentives: the one at 70% of the superbonus and the one at 65% of the Ecobonus.
Today, in order to benefit from the building bonuses for replacing the boiler, it is necessary to follow the usual procedure which provides for communication to Enea (both for renovations and for interventions that lead to energy savings) to be sent within 90 days of the completion of the works.
After the end of 2024 (which also marks the expiry of the Ecobonus) the boilers that could still be subject to tax breaks are the hybrid ones, those with a microgeneration system and only class A would no longer be sufficient, given that the latter does not excludes the use of fossil fuels.
Condensing boilers could only be supported if powered without fossil fuels.


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