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Social Card: Who Will Receive the Benefits Starting September 9?

The Launch of the Dedicated Card

The first reloads of the Dedicated Card are underway, and starting September 9, new recipients will be receiving their social cards.
This year, the benefit has increased from 459 euros to 500 euros.

The financial aid is available to families with an ISEE of up to 15,000 euros, and the funds can be used for purchasing fuel, public transport subscriptions, and food essentials.

Who Can Benefit?

For those who already hold the Dedicated Card, the reloads will be added directly to the existing card.
This year, however, benefits will be extended to 1,330,000 families, including many new beneficiaries who are currently waiting for their cards to arrive.

Families eligible for food purchase assistance must have an ISEE of up to 15,000 euros and cannot receive other income support measures such as: inclusion allowance, employment training support, Shopping Card, Naspi, Dis Coll, or unemployment benefits.

New Recipients and Distribution Process

Introduced last year, those benefiting from the card in 2023 can continue to use the same card this year.
New beneficiaries need to collect their card from Poste Italiane after receiving notification from their local municipality.

The distribution of the new cards began on September 9 and is expected to conclude within one week.

Updated Amounts for 2024

The year 2024 has not only seen an increase in the amount of the Dedicated Card but also in the number of beneficiaries.

In 2023, 520 million euros were allocated, allowing 1,200,000 families to receive the 459-euro card.
For 2024, however, funding has increased to 676 million euros, raising the number of families benefiting to 1,330,000, with the aid amount now set at 500 euros.

Each family will receive a one-time reload of 500 euros on their Dedicated Card.
These electronic pre-paid cards are provided by Poste Italiane through its subsidiary, Postepay.
Recipients can pick them up at local postal offices.

It’s crucial to note that while the 500 euros can be spent until February 28, 2025, the first purchase must occur before December 16, 2024; otherwise, the card will become inactive and the funds will be forfeited.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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