Canone RAI

Last chance to avoid paying Rai fee

Deadline to Avoid Paying RAI License Fee in 2024

The last chance to avoid paying the RAI license fee in 2024 is by June 30th.
This mid-year deadline is the ultimate cutoff to request exemption from payment for this year, even if only for the second semester, from July to December.

Who Is Eligible for Exemption?

For those who did not submit the exemption request by the end of January, the RAI fee is due for 2024 unless the exemption application for the second semester is submitted by the end of this month.

The June 30 deadline is crucial not only for those who missed the exemption request at the beginning of the year but also for those who meet the requirements to waive the RAI fee after the late January deadline.
This includes:

  • Individuals who do not own a television set in their main residence;
  • People aged 75 and meeting the income criteria set by the regulations.

If the opportunity to submit the request by June 30 is missed, any application afterwards will apply to the entire year 2025.
This means that even if entitled to exemption, the taxpayer must continue to pay the RAI fee until December 2024.

How to Request Exemption by June 30?

To request exemption, individuals who do not own a television set at home can submit a self-certification declaring their lack of devices capable of receiving and decrypting the TV signal, whether directly or through external devices, according to the Ministry of Economic Development’s definition.
Tablets and smartphones are not subject to the TV license fee.

Alternatively, exemption also applies to individuals who are 75 years old or above and have an income not exceeding €8,000, including any income of their cohabiting spouse.
The benefit is not granted if the over 75-year-old person lives with individuals earning a higher income, except for domestic caregivers/assistants.

The 75 years threshold must have been reached before the current year (2024) or by July 31 of the current year.

Applicants must submit a self-certification by June 30 stating that they do not possess devices capable of TV signal reception at home or that they have turned/will turn 75 by July 31 and have an income below €8,000.
This certification should be sent electronically using the form provided by the Revenue Agency, through a CAF (Tax Assistance Center) or authorized professional, or alternatively:

  • via PEC to;
  • via registered mail without an envelope to Agenzia delle Entrate – Ufficio di Torino 1, S.A.T.
    – Sportello abbonamento TV – Casella Postale 22 – 10121.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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