Campania children's bonus 2024, how to request it, ISEE limit and what to spend it on

Campania has announced new bonuses for those with children as well as the confirmation of the regional contribution for nursery schools in addition to the state one (for which it is not yet possible to apply).
Announcing the new measures to support the birth rate is the governor Vincenzo De Luca who was obviously decisive in the approval of the new bonuses for children which together with the single universal state allowance will be decisive in giving support to families, especially those with incomes low.
But there are not only bonuses: the investment made by the Campania Region also concerns other aspects such as the 10 million euros intended for the strengthening of regional welfare measures in order to put each worker in the best position to reconcile work and family needs of employed women and those seeking employment.
Or the allocation useful for strengthening family centers, the protection of two-parenthood for separated parents and the promotion of family foster care procedures including difficult foster care, adoption and protection of minors.
But let's focus on the new bonuses for families that in 2024 are aimed at residents in the Campania Region, starting with the 600 euro support aimed at children following the first.
Bonus 600 euros for children following the first.
It has already been renamed "second child bonus", but in reality it is aimed at all children following the first.
It should be specified that this is not a real payment: the bonus is in fact recognized as a voucher worth 600 euros which families can use to purchase certain products useful for early childhood.
Diapers, powdered milk and much more, to be purchased at the health and para-health facilities that will sign the agreement with the Campania Region.
For the moment there is no mention of an ISEE limit, however given a limited allocation, 10 million euros, it is very likely that the economic condition of the families will be taken into account at least when drawing up the ranking of beneficiaries.
500 euro bonus for healthcare expenses Another voucher is added to the aforementioned voucher, this time worth 500 euros and from what we understand is aimed at all children under the age of 10, useful for supporting: dental medical expenses; treatments or specialist visits not covered by the National Health Service.
In this case an ISEE limit is expressly provided, equal to 12,500 euros.
Campania Region nursery bonus The bonus with which families will be reimbursed for the costs incurred for attending nursery schools in the Campania Region in the 2023-2024 educational year is also renewed for the year 2024.
Bonus aimed at families with children aged between 0 and 36 months, with the ISEE threshold which should be 15 thousand euros.
The amount due, which can reach a maximum of 3 thousand euros per child, also varies based on the ISEE.
Bonus compatible with the national one, but obviously only for the part not reimbursed by the State.
For example, if you pay 200 euros per month and the state nursery bonus already reimburses the entire amount, you will not be able to apply for the regional contribution (or vice versa).
read also 2024 nursery bonus, new amounts, requirements and when to apply When can you apply for the new bonuses? As you may have noticed, at the moment there is little and approximate news regarding the new family bonuses of the Campania Region.
To date, in fact, the respective implementing decrees are still missing which, in addition to specifying the requirements for accessing each individual measure, will also communicate the timing and methods for sending applications for the respective vouchers.
For now, therefore, it is still early to apply, although the first step is to request the ISEE in order to be ready as soon as the green light is given.
read also ISEE Model 2024, how it is calculated, what documents are needed and the new DSU


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