Verandas on the balcony with new rules and 2024 50% bonus

If you want to build a veranda on your balcony, is it possible to benefit from the construction bonuses still in force? When is the 50% deduction due for the installation of windows that transform the balcony into a veranda? There are very precise rules for this type of intervention, which is carried out, in some cases, in free construction and without the need for CILA.
It should be underlined that the deductions are only valid if the veranda is built with certain materials which we will see below.
In 2024, in any case, the rules remain unchanged compared to the previous year.
Obviously, every time you want to close a balcony you must first find out whether for that specific intervention it is necessary to request the appropriate authorization from the Municipality in which the property in question is located.
The works carried out to transform a balcony into a veranda, in fact, in some cases fall within those of building permits and do not qualify as extraordinary maintenance, restoration or free construction work.
Transforming the balcony into a veranda, when authorization from the Municipality is not needed? If you decide to build a fixed veranda, which increases the volume of the house and changes its shape, a building permit from the Municipality or the Scia is required.
There are, however, some verandas that do not require any authorization and can be installed without risking fines or sanctions.
The cases in which the law provides that a veranda can be built on the balcony without the permission of the Municipality are: when mobile ones are chosen which rest on the floor and are not anchored; for pergolas or removable wooden or metal structures; awning verandas which involve the use of a metal structure anchored to the ceiling or floor with a curtain or tarpaulin covering; for awnings.
Furthermore, the Aid Decree envisages that if the balcony is closed with VePa removable closures there is no need for permits.
If you decide to close your balcony with transparent closures that protect against atmospheric agents and improve the energy performance of the housing unit by reducing heat loss from the balcony, there is no need to ask for permits, because they are mobile structures.
And in this case the construction of the work falls within free construction.
But it should be noted that the exclusion from the request for permits only applies to removable verandas aimed at energy efficiency.
read also Panoramic windows on balconies and terraces even without permission: what changes with the Aid decree Benefits and bonuses of the mobile veranda Closing a balcony with a mobile veranda allows, first of all, to save on heating.
This is because the energy efficiency of the property improves.
In some cases, savings can reach up to 30% per year on heating bills.
And this is just the first benefit.
It should also be considered that the movable windows mounted on the balcony not only protect it from atmospheric agents, but are able to capture the sun's heat and make it available inside the home.
The installation work of mobile verandas falls within the scope of energy efficiency and, precisely for this reason, allows a deduction of 50% of the costs.
The deduction can be enjoyed on the tax return with the 50% bonus.
This means that the construction of the work will cost half the real price.
read also Renovation Bonus 2024: how it works and permitted works Balcony transformed into a fixed veranda: the rules The first step, therefore, is always to ask for authorization from the relevant Municipality for the construction of a fixed veranda.
Not being part of a free building project, in fact, this work expands the volume of the housing unit and for this reason is subject to building permit.
But it's not enough.
According to recent rulings of the Court of Cassation, such concessions can also be limited based on the architectural decoration of the building.
Authorization to build the veranda, therefore, can only be granted provided that it does not alter the architecture of the property.
Otherwise, the realization of the work will be prohibited.
Finally, a final limit can be set by the condominium regulation itself which may provide for a specific prohibition in this sense.
Before deciding, in fact, to build a veranda on the balcony, you need to make sure that the work is possible to build.


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