2024 mother bonus request form to download and deliver to the employer

The bonus for working mothers (permanent), the total contribution exemption (within the limit of 3,000 euros) that the 2024 Budget law introduced for the three-year period 2024-2026, makes its debut in the February pay slips.
But this only applies to those who in the meantime have given the employer the form for requesting the mothers' bonus (which you can find below).
As specified by INPS circular no.
27 of 31 January, when employers indicate in the Uniemens flow for February 2024 the female workers for whom the exemption is due, they must also communicate the tax code of the children for whom the right to the relief is triggered.
Otherwise the benefit will be revoked and the worker will have to return the amount received.
In this regard, although there is no real procedure for requesting the mothers' bonus on the pay slip, the INPS has indicated two different solutions so that interested workers can communicate that they satisfy the conditions that give them the right to the benefit.
The first provides the possibility of providing the employer with the tax codes of the children, while the second allows them to be communicated directly to the INPS through a specific application which, however, is not yet online at the moment.
For this reason, those who want to speed up the time for recognition of the relief on the pay slip must follow the first procedure, using a specific form with which to self-certify possession of the requirements that give access to the measure.
Mothers' bonus request form to download It should be noted that the INPS has not made a mock-up available for the form to be used to communicate the children's data to the employer.
However, taking into account the instructions contained in circular no.
27 published last January, we at Money.it have created a model that you can download, fill out and deliver to your employer.
The instructions Filling it out is very simple.
In the first part you have to enter your personal data and indicate the name of the company, after which it depends on your family status.
The first two points must be ticked by workers hired on a permanent basis who have at least 3 children, at least one of whom is a minor.
The third and fourth point, however, must be indicated by workers hired on a permanent basis who have only 2 children, one of whom is under the age of 10 (not yet completed).
In this regard, we remind you that for the latter the contribution exemption applies only for 2024, while in the presence of at least 3 children until 2026.
After that, once responsibility has been assumed for what has been declared and officially communicated that one wishes to enjoy the 100% exemption from contributions for the portion paid by the worker (9.19% in the private sector, 8.80% in the public sector), the tax codes must be indicated.
We have only put 3 spaces because in fact they are sufficient to be entitled to the relief: even for those who have more children, therefore, it is enough to indicate 3, taking care not to forget the youngest.
We then recommend attaching to the request not only the worker's identity document but also the family status (easily retrievable from the Digital Registry website).
Finally, once the place and date have been set, the form must be signed and delivered to the employer, or in any case directly to the offices responsible for calculating wages.
They will be the ones to report it in the Uniemens flows, with the pay slip bonus that will be applied in the first useful pay slip.
And since it starts from January 2024, the arrears will also be paid upon first application.


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