Tari Bonus 2024 for those with a low ISEE, how to request it?

Tari Bonus also in 2024 for families with low ISEE, but how is it requested? The Tari, or waste tax, is a municipal tax that must be paid to finance the cost of waste collection and disposal.
This is a tax that must be paid by anyone who occupies a property for any reason.
In the case of an uninhabited and unrented property, the tax is payable by whoever holds the ownership right.
The Tari, in fact, must also be paid by properties that are uninhabited since it is not subordinated to the production of rubbish, but to the possibility of being able to produce it.
In any case, the Tari bonus, which allows for a reduced tax and exemption from payment, has also been foreseen for 2024.
This is a relief introduced by the 2020 Tax Decree, but it is a benefit foreseen only on paper given that it is left to the discretion of the individual Municipalities.
What is it about? Together with the water bonus and the electricity and gas bonus, the Tari discount is also part of the social bonus for families with low ISEE.
This is a discount, just as provided for by the social bonus, which is automatically applied to families who meet certain income requirements.
In any case, as for the exemptions for the Tari, you must refer to the rules established by your municipality of residence.
Let's see specifically how it works.
read also Social bonus for bills 2024, how to request a cash refund Tari Bonus 2024 for those with a low ISEE, how does it work? Tari Bonus and Tari Bonus Tax Decree 2024, who is entitled to it? Tari Bonus 2024, discretion of the Municipalities How much is the Tari Bonus? TARI Bonus and Tax Decree With the 2020 Tax Decree, article 57bis provides for the “TARI Regulations.
Coefficients and terms for deciding on the economic, financial plan and tariffs.
Introduction of the social bonus for waste and automaticity of the bonus for electricity, gas and water services".
From 2021, unlike what happened in previous years, therefore, the social bonus is automatically recognized to those entitled to it who have a valid ISEE.
The innovation introduced by the tax decree in the waste tax area is the Tari bonus for families who find themselves in economic difficulty and have a low ISEE.
Facilitated tariff conditions, therefore, are recognized not only for domestic electricity, water and gas users, but also for the waste tax.
Tari Bonus 2024, who is entitled to it? The rules for accessing the social bonus are established by Arera and as already provided for the electricity, gas and water bonus, the requirements are the same for the Tari bonus too, namely: families with ISEE that does not exceed 9,530 euros ( access to the social bonus for 2023 has been confirmed for all families with an income of up to 15,000 euros, but this requirement is limited only to electricity and gas supplies); large families with ISEE that does not exceed 20,000 euros.
But it doesn't work like this in all municipalities.
read also Social bonus for electricity, gas and water bills 2024: updated amounts Tari Bonus 2024, discretion of the Municipalities The various Municipalities are not obliged to recognize the Tari bonus to their citizens because on a national scale nothing is foreseen.
The concession on the waste tax is at the discretion of the Municipality because, if on the one hand there is a national regulation that launched the benefit, on the other, a provision has never been issued that dictates its rules and operation.
The Tari bonus, in fact, only exists on paper since the implementing decree is missing and for this reason it is up to individual local authorities to manage and recognize it.
In theory, the access conditions are those envisaged for the social bonus, unfortunately, however, the rule that provided for the discount on the TARI required that a specific Prime Ministerial Decree dictate the rules.
And it never arrived.
Therefore, the decisions for 2024 will also be made by individual local authorities who are the only ones to have a say on whether or not the discount is applied.
In the Municipality of Milan, for example, there are exemptions for the Tari which have little to do with the social bonus, given that the Municipality recognizes concessions and discounts for those with no property or holders of minimum integrated pensions.
Another example is represented by the Municipality of Rome which provides exemption only for families with ISEE up to 6,500 euros.
In other Municipalities, in addition to the ISEE threshold, it is required that there is at least one disabled person in the household to be entitled to the exemption, others still have adapted to the requirements of the social bonus to recognize the benefit.
How much is the Tari Bonus? As we already mentioned at the beginning, the amount of the bonus depends on your municipality of residence.
In fact, local authorities can also adjust (upwards) the minimum ISEE to recognize the discount as well as the percentage of benefit to be applied.
There are Municipalities which, for example, also provide for total exemption from the payment of the tax within certain ISEE limits, while others may provide for a percentage discount on the TARI due.
Precisely for this reason it is necessary to consult the institutional website of your municipality to understand what and how much is due to families with low ISEE in the Tari area.


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