Part-time bonus, you can apply again: requirements and amounts

Part-time bonus, requests for review for the right.
With message 491 of 5 February 2024, INPS announces the requests for review of the one-off allowance provided for employees with cyclical part-time employment contracts in 2021 and 2022.
Provided for by article 2-bis of the Decree Aid, the part-time bonus of 550 euros for 2022 was intended for employees of private companies holding a vertical cyclical part-time employment contract during 2021.
Article 19, paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 145 of 18 October 2023 provides that the allowance is paid for periods not entirely worked of at least one month continuously and in total not less than seven weeks and not more than twenty due to suspension of work activity.
The interpretation of the law, in any case, refers the compensation to all holders of part-time employment relationships, regardless of whether they are vertical, mixed or horizontal contracts: the only requirement that is sufficient for the right is represented from the cyclical suspension of activity for at least one continuous month and a total of no less than seven weeks and no more than twenty weeks.
Furthermore, the same article also extends the one-off allowance to workers with part-time contracts for 2022 provided that the same requirements established for the previous year are respected.
The submission of part-time bonus applications The service for submitting applications to receive the part-time bonus was communicated with message 3977 of 10 November 2023, while circular 09 of 27 December 2023, however, provided instructions for identifying of the necessary requirements.
The verification of the applications was carried out with automatic checks and the results of the same can be consulted in the section of the INPS website "Access point to non-pension benefits", accessible from the home page following the path "Supports, Subsidies and Indemnities" > "Explore Support, Subsidies and Indemnities” > item “See all” in the “Tools” section > “Access point to non-pension benefits” > “Use the tool”, and selecting, after logging in, the benefit “One-off allowance for cyclical part-time workers (year 2022)” and/or “One-off allowance for cyclical part-time workers (year 2023)”.
Request for review after rejection of the application With message 491 of 5 February 2024, however, the INPS communicates, once the first phase which managed the applications received has been completed, the instructions for managing any reviews presented by workers following the rejection of the application in case the same has been rejected due to lack of requirements.
In the "application data" section, the user can request a review of the application within 120 days from the date of publication of message 491 of 5 February 2024.
To request a review of the application, the worker must provide a reason and send the documentation as attached.
Requirements for re-examination of the part-time bonus application.
The message specifies that to be entitled to the allowance, the worker at the time of submitting the application for the part-time bonus must not have been: a Naspi earner; holder of another employment relationship other than a cyclical part-time one; holder of direct pension treatment.
The message also highlights that for those who submitted an application for the part-time bonus in 2023, the non-ownership of another employment relationship, pension or Naspi does not relate to the date of submission of the application but to the date of 30 November 2022.
The message also specifies that in the presence of multiple employment relationships, the requirement of "periods not entirely worked" must be satisfied within one of the relationships and the periods not entirely worked within the different relationships cannot be added together.
Furthermore, the requirement does not need to be met on each employment relationship; considering the different system of contribution credit envisaged for the generality of employees registered in the Employees' Pension Fund (expressed in weeks) and for workers registered in the Entertainment Workers' Pension Fund (expressed in days), for a "continuous period of one month" for the former a period of 4 weeks is meant, while for the latter a period of 26 days.


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