bonus economico

Is the 2024 Tari Bonus for Young People and Families still active?

Bonus Tari 2024: Will the Initiative Continue?

The Tari bonus for young people and families last year allowed numerous struggling families to support waste tax payments.
This initiative, launched by the Municipality of Pisa, aims to assist families in economic hardship.
Not only does the Municipality aid families, but also young individuals embarking on the path to independence.
But will this benefit be extended to 2024?

The “Bonus Tari giovani” and “Bonus Tari famiglie” could be requested from November 6th until January 15th, 2024.
Who was eligible for this bonus? What were the requirements? And the burning question remains: will it be renewed this year, perhaps by other Italian municipalities?

Bonus Tari for Young People

In addition to the family bonus, the Municipality of Pisa introduced a specific measure for young individuals under 36.
To be eligible for this financial support, residents needed to meet the following conditions: living in Pisa, having an ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) not exceeding €35,000 in 2023, and being the Tari user for their residence.
The bonus amount and its potential renewal in 2024 are crucial points of interest.

Bonus Tari 2023 and Family Criteria

In 2022, the Municipality of Pisa initiated the “Bonus Tari” program, extending it to 2023.
Two distinct measures were offered: “Bonus Tari famiglie” and “Bonus Tari giovani,” each with different access requirements aimed at supporting households in waste tax payments for 2023.
The benefits were solely applicable to the main residence’s Tari and proved helpful to many families and youth.

Bonus Tari for Families: Specifics

Both measures had separate access criteria.
For the “Bonus Tari famiglie,” residents had to meet specific conditions, including residing in Pisa, an ISEE under €25,000 in 2023, and being the Tari user for their residence.

The Tari bonus, covering up to 40% of the waste tax expenses for 2023 for both young people and families, required timely payment before partial reimbursement.
As for the prospective of a 2024 bonus, the Municipality’s decision remains pending, although an extension is plausible given the continuity of the initiative since 2021.

Moreover, low-income families can also rely on the Tari bonus linked to social benefits.
Even though not nationally active due to bureaucratic issues, several municipalities uphold this initiative.
On the ARERA website, the waste bonus introduction on a national scale, aimed at reducing waste management expenses for economically disadvantaged households, is mentioned, paralleling existing benefits in the electric, gas, and water services sectors.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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