Is it still possible to request a driving license bonus of up to 2,500 euros?

2024 Driving License Bonus: Can You Still Apply?

The driving license bonus covering up to 80% of the training costs to obtain the driving document is active until December 31, 2026, or until the funds are exhausted.
Even for 2024, the benefit to receive a contribution of up to 2,500 euros to obtain a heavy vehicle driving license has been confirmed, but is it still possible to apply?

The benefit allows young people aged between 18 and 35 to obtain the qualification to drive heavy vehicles for transporting goods and passengers by paying only 20% of the cost.
The remaining 80% of the expenses to obtain the license is covered by the contribution introduced by the conversion into law of the Dl Milleproroghe 2022.
The reimbursed expenses are those incurred for training, with a maximum threshold of 2,500 euros.

However, the contribution of up to 2,500 euros is tied to the funds made available and for 2024.
Is the driving license bonus still available?

2024 Driving License Bonus Application Process

The click day to apply for the 2024 driving license bonus started at 12:00 on March 4, 2024, and in a few hours, 1,953 vouchers were issued, depleting the funds available.
On the dedicated platform set up by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, it is stated that:

“It is communicated that the ceiling provided for by article 11, paragraph 1, Decree of June 30, 2022, as the maximum limit of expenditure, has been exhausted.
It is therefore stated that the Platform no longer allows the generation of new vouchers.”

Therefore, as of today, it is no longer possible to request the driving license bonus for 2024, as the funds made available for this year were depleted in a matter of hours.
However, funds remain available for 2025 and 2026.
Those interested in accessing the bonus must act quickly and monitor the opening for submitting the request to avoid missing out on the benefits of the measure, which, as we have seen, is in high demand.

What Is the 2024 Driving License Bonus and How Does It Work?

The voucher has a maximum value of 2,500 euros and can be used to cover the expenses incurred for courses and exams at driving schools.
It is an incentive aimed at helping those who want to make driving heavy transport vehicles their profession.

To request the bonus, it is necessary to register on the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport’s website and submit the application through the “Driving License Bonus” platform before the funds are exhausted.

The resources allocated to cover the facilitation amount to 3.7 million euros for 2022 and 5.4 million euros for each year from 2023 to 2026.
However, if the resources for a year are depleted, the bonus cannot be disbursed, and it will be necessary to wait for the following year.


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