1,800 Euro Bonus for Homeowners with Gardens or Terraces: Here’s Who Can Get It

The Green Bonus in 2024: A Boost for Gardens and Terraces

Have you ever heard of a bonus that can reach up to 1,800 euros and is specifically designed for garden and terrace owners? Let’s dive into what it is and how it works.

What is the Green Bonus?

The Green Bonus is structured as a tax deduction aimed at those who take on the responsibility of maintaining and improving their green areas.
This incentive applies to all private outdoor spaces arranged as gardens.
Its main goal is to encourage property owners to enhance and beautify their green areas, including the design and implementation of pergolas, rooftop gardens, or the arrangement of fixed flower boxes on balconies or terraces.
In essence, it is an amount dedicated to those looking to innovate or renovate their outdoor spaces, promoting greenery and nature.

Even when working on an existing garden, the key is to bring innovation to what already exists.
For example, one can choose to replace outdated flower boxes with more functional ones, as long as any work undertaken is permanent (the flower boxes must be fixed and not movable).

However, the bonus does not cover ordinary maintenance of existing gardens that do not bring anything new or DIY projects conducted by the owner to save money, such as purchasing pots to place on the balcony.

The 1,800 Euro Bonus

The 1,800 euro bonus is obtained through the Green Bonus, an incentive directed at interventions for green areas of private buildings.
Those looking to beautify their terraces and gardens must initially bear the costs of the work, which will then be partially refunded as a discount on the Individual Income Tax (Irpef).

The Green Bonus offers a tax deduction of 36% on a maximum expenditure of 5,000 euros, resulting in a maximum Irpef discount of 1,800 euros (provided that at least 5,000 euros are spent; if less is spent, the bonus amount will be lower).
This tax benefit can be claimed for each property used for residential purposes on which eligible interventions are carried out.

The deductible amount can be received in 10 annual installments of equal value (180 euros per year for 10 years if the maximum reimbursable amount is spent).

The benefit does not apply to stores, offices, or other properties not intended for residential use.
In cases of mixed-use properties, both residential and office, for example, the recognized benefit is half, which is 50% of the deduction that would be granted for a property solely for residential use.

Eligible Works for the Bonus

As mentioned, the interventions must not be regular maintenance of a garden or terrace but rather innovative or aimed at improving the existing situation.
Eligible works include the arrangement of uncovered green areas in private residential buildings, as well as the construction of wells or irrigation systems.
The creation of rooftop gardens or green roofs also falls within the deduction.

How to Claim the 1,800 Euro Bonus

To be entitled to the Green Bonus, after incurring the expenses, it is necessary to keep the receipts or invoices issued by the company that carried out the work.
Additionally, payments must have been made using traceable means of payment.
The taxpayer must then declare the total sum of the expenses eligible for the deduction in a self-certification, affirming that the works are documented in compliance with current regulations.

To receive the bonus as an Irpef discount, the expenses must be reported in the income tax return, specifically in model 730, indicating them in section E with code 12.


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