Childcare Bonus: Payments Blocked. When Will They Arrive? INPS Response

INPS Announces Unlocking of Childcare Bonus Payments

On April 20th, the INPS (National Social Security Institute) announced the unlocking of childcare bonus payments through a press release.
This news brought relief to families waiting for refunds related to public or private nursery school fees, as well as for the use of support services at home for children under the age of 3 affected by serious chronic illnesses.

Delayed Payments and Disappointment

Despite the announcement, two weeks later, payments have not yet been disbursed.
According to internal sources, all applications are still pending for funds, disappointing those who expected a faster process after the INPS communication.

No Childcare Bonus Payments Yet

Contrary to the INPS statement, reports indicate that no families have received childcare bonus payments in recent weeks.
While some applications have progressed from “under review” to “accepted,” actual payments have not been made.

Anticipated Arrival of Childcare Bonus

Internal sources within the INPS confirm that there are no resource issues for childcare bonus payments.
Payments are expected to reach accepted applications in the coming weeks.
However, applications still under review will require completion of the instructional phase, which began late due to the new functionality introduced in April.

The INPS assures that by the end of May, a significant portion of refunds will be processed for those who applied early.
Families experiencing delays are advised to remain patient as the situation is expected to improve soon.


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