The largest financial bubble of all time persists and strengthens

“Yes, but the stock market is now separated from the real economy”.
“But if nothing happens we continue to climb.” These are just two of the delusional phrases that are read in almost all financial circles aimed at justifying what is now considered the largest financial bubble of all time! Yes, because the numbers don't lie, especially in Europe where economies are in a full-blown recession and economic and commercial activities are suffering greatly.
And they are serious numbers, which tell us about prices with price/earnings beyond the limits of imagination and about a macroeconomy in pain.
Yet, precisely by doing so almost in spite and by reverse logic, DAX, CAC and MIB are at new historical records, and are performing (after a record-breaking 2023) other double-digit increases made in just a few months! Not only are we therefore in an unprecedented financial bubble, but we are in one without economic justification.
Practically by now the markets have become a video game, or even worse a casino where you can constantly aim for the upside.
And not even the authorities, who are always ready to block short sales when things go down, aren't worried about the ongoing bubble.
After all, when you read analysts, traders and various scoundrels, ignorant beyond belief, claiming that the rise is justified by the numbers (when it is exactly the opposite), you understand that we are faced with nothing.
And so every day we witness a waltz of unparalleled nonsense.
Other justifications: I have read that many take into consideration sequences of increases in the past, arguing that "after all there is still some room for growth", without considering that for example the more "continuous" historical sequences of growth, precisely , from 2003 to 2006 on the S&P 500 were preceded by impressive collapses of the indices in the previous three years (burst of the bubble, Twin Towers, Enron scandal,…)! So in order to justify the bubble, comparisons are invented that are so stupid that they give you shivers.
Then I read that the average P/E on SP500 is still "only" at 25! Apart from the fact that they would still be high compared to the average of around 15, but whoever writes these things, in great bad faith, does not say that on large-cap stocks (those that seriously move the index), the P/E is well above the 40 on average.
I understand that I'm just blathering on to try to open the eyes of a mass of dazed people from these markets, and I also understand that those who pull the strings of this bubble won't care about what I just said and will continue to do whatever the hell they want.
for the head.
But denying the numerical evidence…
well this really bothers me enormously.
I am a daytrader, a scalper who opens and closes positions during the day, so I don't have to worry about where the indices lead.
This can be clearly seen from the operations I post on my bulletin board for myself or for my group.
But seeing the crap that continues to be done on the stock exchanges and witnessing mad increases that make no sense or target prices that are turned towards the stars every day just to further fuel the greed and psychopathy of these subjects (for the 99% Anglo-American in nature, like all world nonsense), it makes me feel nauseous! I finish by telling you that the deception of this game probably lies in the timing of the increases: because while in the past the bubbles lasted a few months and led to significant increases in those few months, this bubble is different and is spreading over a longer period of time.
prolonged with constant and daily increases.
Maybe this is the deception, you don't perceive the bubble by doing so.
But it is, in fact, just a deception because the numbers say something else.
We'll see how the story ends, but I hope that punishment comes to what has become a shapeless mass of unprecedented presumption and arrogance.
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