Real estate

Changes in Real Estate Acts Codes: Clarifications from the Revenue Agency

New Real Estate Codes Introduced by the Revenue Agency

The Revenue Agency has announced changes in the codes for transcription, registration, and annotation of real estate deeds through provision 292682 dated July 11, 2024.

The new codifications, outlined in the attached list of the provision, which are newly introduced compared to those already in use, can be adopted for drafting transcription and registration notes and annotation requests starting from September 30, 2024.

These new deed codes were deemed necessary due to regulatory developments, including those introduced by the Corporate Crisis and Insolvency Code and the so-called “Cartabia Reform” of civil proceedings.

New Real Estate Codes Overview

The new codes provide a more detailed definition of the codified formalities.
For instance, they specify whether annotations related to voluntary jurisdiction proceedings are rejections or acceptances.

In Annex 1, the new codes for:
– deeds among the living;
– deeds due to death;
– administrative deeds;
– judicial requests;
– judicial deeds;
– executive or precautionary deeds are listed.

In Annex 2, the new codes for deeds requiring registration such as:
– voluntary mortgages;
– judicial mortgages;
– legal mortgages;
– mortgages on administrative concessions and enforcement mortgages;
– separation of property registration;
– renewal mortgages;
– repetitive mortgages;
– conventional agricultural privilege;
– special industrial privilege;
– privilege;
– renewed privileges are provided.

In Annex 3, the new codes for annotations such as:
– annotations to transcriptions;
– annotations to registrations;
– annotations to annotations are listed.

Annex 4 includes all the new deed codes such as:
– transcription of deeds among the living;
– transcription of administrative deeds;
– transcription of judicial deeds;
– registration of voluntary mortgages;
– registration of judicial mortgages;
– registration of mortgages for collection;
– renewal mortgage;
– annotations to transcriptions (for which 709, 710, 711 are no longer applicable);
– annotations to registrations (for which 805, 806, 807 are no longer applicable).

Author: Hermes A.I.

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