University scholarships, INPS announcement: requirements and amounts

INPS has published a new competition notice to award thousands of 2,000 euro scholarships to university students for courses in the 2021-2022 academic year.
As stated in the announcement, which can be downloaded from the INPS website, to participate in the competition there are limits and requirements to be respected.
It is possible to access the scholarship by submitting the application no later than 12:00 on 29 February 2024.
In line with other INPS announcements, the scholarships are granted to the children or orphans and equivalents of those enrolled in the Unitary management of credit and social benefits, of retired users of the Public Employees Management, of those enrolled in the Master's Assistance Management and of those enrolled in the Ipost Fund.
Who can participate in the competition for the award of INPS scholarships and how to send the application? The guide.
INPS scholarships Who can participate: requirements and limits Admission requirements for the announcement How to send the application for participation Who can participate: requirements and limits The competition announcement offered by the INPS for the assignment of scholarships is aimed at child students or orphans of members of one of the following categories: employees or pensioners registered with the Unitary Management of credit and social benefits; retired users of Public Employees Management; enrolled in the Master's Assistance Management; employees or pensioners registered with the Ipost Fund.
To be entitled to the benefit, these individuals must have attended university degree courses and postgraduate specialization courses in the 2021-2022 academic year.
In the announcement, the INPS specifies that the over 10,000 scholarships are divided between: scholarships of 2,000 euros for three-year degree, master's or single-cycle university courses, Conservatories or recognized music institutes and academies of fine arts, or corresponding to legally recognized study courses abroad; scholarships of 2,000 euros each for postgraduate specialization university courses.
read also Bonuses for students, what they are and what is due (all amounts) Admission requirements to the tender To be admitted to the tender for the awarding of the scholarship, the students entitled to the scholarship must also comply with the following requirements: be of an age over 32 years old on the expiry date of the announcement; have not already benefited, for the 2021-2022 academic year, from other previous and similar measures provided by INPS, the State or regional bodies with a value greater than 50% of the bonus amount; not be winners of the INPS University Colleges call for the same academic year; do not be students who are out of course or repeating courses; have taken all the exams and obtained the credits required by the chosen study plan for the academic year for which one is competing; have achieved a minimum weighted average of 24/30 in relation to the exams of the academic year for which one is competing; in the case of obtaining a degree, having achieved a grade of no less than 88 out of 110 or equivalent.
Attention: it is also possible to apply for those participating in the Erasmus project.
read also Isee between 15 and 25 thousand euros, which bonuses and benefits are due in 2024 How to send the application for participation Before completing the application, the applicant must request and submit the single substitute declaration for the ISee 2024.
If it is already Once an ISEE 2024 certificate has been issued, referring to the family unit in which the beneficiary appears, it will not be necessary to make a new request.
To fill out the application for participation in the competition, you must access the INPS website via Spid, Cie or Cns on the "Scholarships for first and second level schools, universities and ITS" page, filling in all the fields on the application form.
The IBAN of the bank or postal account in the applicant's name or joint name must also be indicated (if you do not have one, you must open one).
The electronic submission of the application will be possible from 12:00 on 31 January 2024 to 12:00 on 29 February 2024.
read also low ISEE, concessions and bonuses to request in 2024


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