School competition passed with the minimum score: this is why it's not enough

Passing the 2024 school competition with the minimum score is not enough, but why? It all depends on the final ranking which will only have winners.
The school competition, known at the time as extraordinary ter, is taking place throughout Italy for the recruitment of educational and teaching staff from childhood to secondary school.
The first test, which candidates will have to take until March 19 for common and support positions, is a computer-based written test with multiple choice questions.
A quiz, therefore, which according to some candidates who have already taken it would be much more feasible than that of the 2022 school competition and which, if passed, gives access to the oral test.
The oral test must then be passed, this too, with a minimum mark of 70/100 to which the assessable qualifications will be added.
Those who pass the tests will be placed in a ranking which however does not provide for suitable candidates, no scrolling and evaluates the reserve and precedence with equal scores also in relation to the gender they belong to.
Let's see, in detail, why passing the school competition tests with a minimum score is not enough.
School competition passed with the minimum score, it is not enough: you need to aim for the maximum.
Teachers must aim to obtain the highest possible score in the written test of the school competition and then, obviously, also in the subsequent oral test.
The test underway at this time can be passed with a minimum score of 70/100 which will be added to that of the oral test if passed and to the evaluation of qualifications for a maximum of 50 points.
As anticipated, what makes many candidates skeptical, even those who have passed the computer-based test, is precisely the final ranking.
Yes, because it will only cover the positions actually available and the relative scrolling will take place only in the event of renouncement by candidates in a suitable position for the role.
Those who have passed the school competition, but are unable to enter a useful position in the ranking to cover the available places, will return home without the qualification and without the role.
The ranking, therefore, ends with the competition or rather, according to the announcement, it remains valid until the ranking of the next competition which should be announced next autumn.
The merit rankings are regionally distinguished by competition class and type of place, also taking into account the reserve quotas.
We read in the announcement: The rankings are valid for one year starting from the school year following the one in which they were approved and lose effectiveness with the publication of the rankings of the subsequent competition and in any case at the expiry of the aforementioned period, without prejudice to the winners' right to entry into the role, where necessary also in subsequent years, in the event of insufficient places allocated annually for hiring, within the limits of the hiring options available under current legislation.
Therefore, for the 2024 school competition, there is no ranking of those eligible or in any case limited to all candidates and it is therefore easy to say that candidates must commit to obtaining the maximum score, especially if they do not have many cultural qualifications or service qualifications to declare.
But how does the reserve work? What if there is a tie? Women, for many competition classes, will be penalized more.
read also School competition, written test: how the score is calculated and Mim instructions School competition passed with the minimum score: reserve and parity in the ranking The judging commissions of the school competition, at the end of the entire procedure and in drawing up the regional merit rankings , they will have to take into account the reserve quota and apply certain criteria in the event of a tie between candidates.
Ministerial decree no.
establishes how the reservation of places in the school competition works.
205 of 26 October 2023 in article 13 paragraphs 9 and 10.
The reserve of places equal to 30 percent for each region, competition class and type of place, as clearly stated in the text of the decree, is foreseen for those who have carried out a service at state educational institutions for at least 3 school years, even if not continuous, in the previous 10 years and applies only in the case in which the number of places advertised, for each region, competition class or type of place, is equal to or greater than four.
The reserve applies, in percentage terms for the different competition classes, also to disabled candidates pursuant to law no.
68/99 and in some cases and in a very small percentage, pursuant to former legislative decree 66/2010, to volunteer soldiers.
Furthermore, in case of equal scores, the youngest candidates in the school competition should take precedence.
Furthermore, for this school competition, women are penalized on the basis of what have been defined as the "blue quotas".
In fact, in case of equal scores, in the ranking of the school competition the male candidate takes precedence for some types of positions or for the majority.
In the school competition notice, in fact, in the final tables, the "Gender recipient of the title of preference referred to in art.
6 of Presidential Decree 487 of 1994 as of 31/12/2022" where the presence of female teachers seems to be predominant in the school.
This is a choice that has caused discussion and is destined to leave a bad taste in the mouths of the candidates for the school competition.
read also School competition, 2024 announcement postponed to next autumn: are the requirements changing?


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