Extraordinary school competition ter, supplementary tests ok but not for everyone: who will be able to access them

There is great anticipation for the extraordinary ter school competition and we already know that supplementary tests will be scheduled for those who are absent from the written test with multiple choice questions.
However, not all candidates will be able to make up for their absence from the written test of the 2023 school competition, but only some aspirants and in certain circumstances.
In more detail, the possibility of recovering the written test for the school competition will only be given to candidates who are breastfeeding or pregnant as we will see in detail.
The school competition, called extraordinary ter, should be announced in November and is linked to the transitional phase towards the new teacher recruitment system linked to the Pnrr.
There will be two competitions: one expected in 2023 with two notices for childhood and primary and for lower and upper secondary schools, and one expected for the spring of 2024.
The first information on the next school competition comes from the unions following the various information ministerial.
Let's see in detail who can access the supplementary tests of the extraordinary school competition ter 2023 and how.
Extraordinary ter school competition: supplementary tests for pregnancy and breastfeeding Supplementary tests for those absent from the next extraordinary ter school competition will be granted only to those who are pregnant and breastfeeding following specific communication.
The supplementary tests will therefore concern only female candidates who find themselves in the aforementioned conditions and not all aspirants.
Therefore, extra tests will not be designed to make up for the absence from the written test of the extraordinary school competition ter due to other causes of force majeure.
On the other hand, even with the Covid-19 pandemic, in the midst of a state of national emergency, supplementary tests were authorized for sick candidates forced into home isolation only after the TAR ruling following the appeals presented by the aspirants.
It was an emergency situation and the Mim, for the aspirants with a favorable sentence, had to prepare the supplementary tests which however will not happen with the next school competition since the individual impediment cannot determine the possibility of deferring the competitive tests on a date different from that foreseen by the ministerial calendar.
Let's see then, according to current legislation, what pregnant or breastfeeding aspirants who will not be able to participate in the written test of the extraordinary school competition ter will have to do to access the supplementary exams, remembering that certainties will only come with the publication of the official notices.
read also Pnrr school competition, announcement coming soon: how will the oral test take place? Extraordinary ter school competition, supplementary tests: how to request them Pregnant or breastfeeding women who will have to access the supplementary tests of the extraordinary ter school competition must forward a specific request to the relevant regional school office.
We remind you, in fact, that the competition will be on a regional basis.
Once the competition has been announced, after the applications have been submitted, the calendar of the competition tests will be published.
Candidates who will not be able to appear on the day scheduled for the written test because they are pregnant or breastfeeding may request to take the test on another day as per article 7, paragraph 7, of Presidential Decree 487/94 amended by Presidential Decree 82/ 2023.
The teachers, or aspiring teachers, must forward, as mentioned, the request to the competent USR at least 10 days before the start of the test: by registered mail with return receipt; via certified e-mail.
Candidates must also present documentation certifying: the estimated date of birth; the date of birth of the child for breastfeeding.
In any case, for candidates who have given birth without requesting the supplementary tests, there will still be a space for breastfeeding to be used during the competition procedure.
For specific and official instructions on how to request access to the supplementary tests, pregnant or breastfeeding candidates will have to wait for the announcement of the school competition and the administration calendar.
read also Extraordinary school competition ter, there will be a reservation of places: here's who for


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