Asmel 2024 competition to work in the Municipality, upcoming tender and new professional profiles

The new announcement for the Asmel maxi competition will be released soon, a selection that represents a facilitated path for starting a career in local authorities.
To understand the reason why the Asmel competition announcement is so eagerly awaited, we need to remember how such a job opportunity works.
The greatest advantage is due to the simplicity of the selection which involves only one written test; then there is the fact that for some professional profiles you can participate even with only a middle school diploma.
However, it should be underlined that passing the Asmel competition does not automatically give the possibility of working in the Municipalities.
Whoever wins the competition is in fact included in a special ranking, from which local authorities can select the staff they need.
Although it does not give direct access to work, over the years the Asmel competition has been a viaticum for a job in the Municipality for many people: just think that the last selection announced in 2023 allowed – according to the official data revealed by the company – the hiring of over 430 people (through 323 interviews already concluded), while another 300 will be completed in the coming months.
This is why the Asmel competition is highly anticipated; and the good news is that you won't have to wait too long, since as made official in recent days, the new tender will be published in the spring.
The importance of the Asmel competition Let's return for a moment to the advantages of the Asmel competition with which it is possible to participate in simplified recruitment as provided for by the Recruitment decree.
In detail, anyone who takes part in the competition – for one of the required professional profiles – and passes is included in a special ranking (without any order) valid for three years.
Hence the possibility of participating in the interviews of the Municipalities adhering to the agreement, of reserved selections with a high probability of being hired (for a fixed or permanent term depending on the job offer).
The numbers are all on Asmel's side: before the last competition – which as we anticipated was held in 2023 and favored the hiring of over 700 people – 18 thousand suitable candidates had been hired in local administrations.
Without forgetting the advantage of hiring in record time: on average, in fact, it takes 4 to 5 weeks to recruit candidates included in the rankings (starting from the interview date).
The professional figures As anticipated by Asmel, the 31 professional figures that were selected in 2023 will certainly be confirmed for the next competition, such as: IT manager, Cat.
D Agronomist manager, Cat.
D IT technician, Cat.
C Surveyor technician, Cat.
C Technical manager, Cat.
D Supervisory manager, Cat.
D Accounting manager, Cat.
D Accounting manager, Cat.
C Reporting expert, Cat.
D Nursery school educator, Cat.
supervision, Cat.
C Administrative-accounting manager, Cat.
D Administrative manager, Cat.
D Administrative instructor, Cat.
C Managerial Instructor/Pharmacist Officer, Cat.
, Cat.
D Managerial Instructor/Psychologist Official, Cat.
D Managerial Instructor in Communication and Event Management, cat.
B Gardener technical collaborator – Cat.
B Electrician technical collaborator – Cat.
B Carpenter technical collaborator – Cat.
B Bricklayer technical collaborator – Cat.
B Plumbing technical collaborator – Cat.
B School bus driver – Cat.
on which, however, Asmel did not go into detail.
Who can participate The requirements vary based on the profile for which you are competing.
For example, if on the one hand for the position of administrative collaborator it is sufficient to have completed compulsory schooling (in addition to possession of the ECDL or any other professional certificate of an administrative nature), for that of management instructor a degree is required (in the field referring to that of use).
In this regard, below you will find the notices of the last competition so as to give you an idea of the requirements required at the time for the 31 professional figures sought, while for the new ones we will have to wait for the next one whose release has been announced for the spring 2024.
Single test in the Asmel competition The Asmel competition is among the simplest: to be included in the specific list, in fact, you just need to pass a test with 60 multiple choice questions.
In detail, 30 are questions on subjects that refer to one's professional profile, while 25 are on common subjects.
Added to these are 5 "situational" questions.
To pass the test you just need to get a score of 7 out of 10; It doesn't matter if you have a perfect test, as there are no orders in the ranking.
All candidates will therefore have the same chance of being hired, demonstrating their best during the municipal interview.


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