2024 school competition, oral test: here's what to study

What to study for the oral test of the 2024 school competition? A question that many of the candidates who passed the first written test of the competition announced at the end of 2023 could ask themselves.
And there are so many teachers who are preparing to take the oral test of the school competition since the test with computer-based multiple choice questions was passed by most of the candidates.
The calendar of tests, starting from the letter drawn, for childhood and primary and for lower and upper secondary schools, will be communicated shortly by the various regional school offices and the time to prepare as best as possible could be very limited.
The oral test, supported by the practical one for some, will focus on the individual disciplines of the relevant competition class with questions drawn at random, a simulated lesson whose outline will be communicated 24 hours before the interview and a conversation in English to ascertain the level.
So let's see how to best prepare and what to study for the oral test of the school competition in the coming weeks.
2024 school competition, oral test: what to study to pass it The teachers who will take the oral test of the school competition will have to prepare by studying the program contained in Annex A of the notice.
There are actually two calls for tenders, distinct for childhood and primary schools and for lower and upper secondary schools for common and support places.
Those who have taken the single computer-based written test, enrolling in the competition for two competition classes, for middle school and high school for example, will have to undergo two separate interviews.
Annex A published with ministerial decree 26 October 2023, n.
205 which anticipated the announcement, reports the detailed contents for each discipline, and therefore competition class, which the teacher will have to demonstrate knowledge of.
The same applies to candidates competing for support positions.
Since, as anticipated, the oral test also includes disciplinary questions, it is best for each candidate to prepare by scrupulously referring to the contents of Annex A which we report below.
The oral test of the school competition must be passed with a minimum score of 70/100 but for the purposes of the ranking, and therefore of placement in the role, it is best not to settle for the minimum score which may not be enough.
read also School competition passed with the minimum score: here's why it's not enough The oral test, for common and support positions, consists of: questions drawn at random, as stated in the notice, aimed at ascertaining the candidate's knowledge and skills on the discipline of the competition class for which he is participating and the general teaching skills, and the related ability for effective teaching planning also with reference to the educational use of technologies and multimedia electronic devices; a simulated lesson on a topic extracted 24 hours before; practical test for the competition classes for which it is scheduled; assessment of the ability to understand and speak in English at least at level B2.
2024 school competition, oral test: timing Both the disciplinary questions and the outline for the simulated lesson and for the practical test of the 2024 school competition are drawn by lot from the judging commission according to the methods and deadlines already foreseen in the notice.
Each examination commission will prepare, before each session of oral tests, the questions to be asked to the candidates as stated in the announcement "to the extent of three times the number of candidates to be examined" and the questions are asked to each teacher by drawing them by lot.
The same applies to the outline of the practical test for the competition classes that require it.
The track to be developed for the simulated lesson will also have to be extracted, but the extraction takes place 24 hours before the scheduled time for the single test.
We read in the announcement: If the candidate is not present at the time scheduled for the extraction, the commission proceeds with the extraction of the track and informs the candidate by email, to the address indicated in the application for participation in the competition .
At the end of each session of the oral test of the school competition, the commission draws up the list of candidates with the relative score which is published on the Inpa Single Recruitment Portal and the relevant regional school office also gives notice on its website.
The oral test has a maximum overall duration of 45 minutes and the simulated lesson cannot last more than half the expected time.
read also School competition, 2024 announcement postponed to next autumn: are the requirements changing?


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