Banca d'Italia

Italy’s Rising Debt: How Much is it Worth?

The Rise of Public Debt in Italy: February 2024 Update

According to the latest data provided by Bank of Italy, public debt in Italy has once again increased in February 2024.
The focus is mainly on the central administrations, with a notable rise in the Treasury’s funding needs and liquidity.

Debt Increase Details

In February 2024, Italy’s public debt reached 2,872.4 billion euros, marking an increase of 22.9 billion compared to January.
This rise can be attributed to various factors:

  • A growth in funding needs of 14.1 billion euros.
  • An increase of 8.6 billion euros in Treasury’s liquid assets.
  • An overall impact from deviations and premiums on issuances and redemptions, revaluations of indexed bonds, inflation, and exchange rate variations, amounting to 0.3 billion euros.

Bank of Italy’s graphs provide a clear overview of the public debt trend in February 2024.
Moreover, the central bank holds 24% of the public debt, while as of January 2024, non-residents account for 27.9% and non-financial corporations and households for 13.5%.

The average debt maturity remains at 7.9 years, consistent with the previous evaluation.
Additionally, tax revenues recorded in the State budget for February 2024 amounted to 39.4 billion euros, marking a 13.2% increase compared to February 2023.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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