Enrollment in school without residence or residence permit, is it possible?

Registrations for the first school years 2024-2025 have begun for all schools of all levels, including foreigners.
For those without residence or without a residence permit, how does it work? There are specific procedures for all students who do not have Italian citizenship; for example if they do not have a tax code.
You can always apply for enrollment in public schools and the procedure for doing so does not change much compared to students with a permit.
The only substantial difference is the release of a temporary code created specifically for sending the registration application.
read also School enrollment 2024-2025, when it must be done, how and deadlines Compulsory schooling for minors: a right for all foreign minors present on Italian territory (900 thousand students in schools) always have the right to enroll in schools of all levels and rank, independent of the regularity of their position with the residence permit.
This reality was established by article 38 of Legislative Decree n.186/1998 Consolidated Law on Immigration and article 45 paragraph 1 of Presidential Decree 394/1999 of the Implementing Regulation of the Consolidated Law on Immigration.
Article 6 paragraph 2 of Presidential Decree 394/1999 explicitly excludes the burden of showing the residence permit for registrations and other provisions regarding compulsory school performance.
As highlighted in a passage from the Ministry of Education: Compulsory schooling integrated into the broader concept of right-duty to education and training also concerns foreign minors present on the national territory, regardless of the regularity of the position in order of stay in Italy and that in the absence of the required documents the school will still enroll the foreign minor.
For this reason, a residence permit for the purposes of enrolling in school for the 2024-2025 school year is not necessary.
read also How many absences can be made from school and after how many days one is rejected.
When and how should foreigners be enrolled in schools? The starting date for school enrollment is the same for all students: 18 January 2024.
It will be possible to enroll by 10 February.
The registration method also remains the same for everyone, i.e.
through the Unica portal, specifically designed for registration.
The only difference is the request for a temporary code to be entered, instead of documents and requests for residence permits.
On the platform there are instructions, as well as guides to educational paths, tutorials, useful statistics (the chosen study paths, the skills most requested by the world of work and the sectors with the greatest offer) and a service to explore the map of all the schools.
The MIM explained, in a note last December, that the same enrollment procedures as for pupils/students with Italian citizenship apply to pupils/students with non-Italian citizenship.
Therefore, even pupils/students with non-Italian citizenship without a tax code are allowed to apply online.
A system function, in fact, allows the creation of a temporary code which, as soon as possible, the educational institution replaces on the SIDI portal with the definitive tax code.


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