The richest companies in Italy, the 2024 ranking

What are the richest companies in Italy? After analyzing the companies with the highest turnover in our country, let's see which companies have the highest market capitalization.
Italy is home to some of the largest companies in the world, which stand out in terms of market cap, turnover and their influence in the global economy.
Over the past year, many of these companies have seen notable financial success, solidifying their leadership positions in the market.
The richest companies: 2024 ranking In the ranking of the richest Italian companies by market capitalization stands out Ferrari, a leading company in our country with a market cap of over 77 billion euros.
Enel and Intesa Sanpaolo follow, as the second and third richest companies in Italy, with a market capitalization of 62.9 billion and 60.41 billion euros respectively.
Company name Market cap (€ billion) 1 Ferrari 77.55 2 Enel 62.09 3 Intesa Sanpaolo 60.41 4 Unicredit 57.70 5 ENI 48.45 6 Generali 36.18 7 Moncler 18.77 8 Prada 18.00 9 Terna 15.51 10 Poste Italiane 14.91 11 Snam 14.64 12 Prysmian 13.64 13 Leonardo 12.97 14 Mediobanca 11.38 15 Davide Campari-Milan 11.28 16 Recordati 10.92 17 INWIT 10.16 18 Banco BPM 9.13 19 Nexi 7.78 20 FinecoBank 8.35 Data updated as of 03/22/2024 Among the 20 companies reported, the weight of the Italian banking sector stands out among the companies with the highest capitalisation, as well as the energy and luxury sectors.
read also The richest countries in the world, the 2024 ranking.
Where is Italy? Why is market capitalization important? Market capitalization is one of the key concepts in the world of investments and in the valuation of a listed company.
Also called market cap, it represents the value of all the shares of a company listed on the stock exchange, thus determining its size, as well as weight, in the economy.
In practice, it is a measure of investor confidence in the company's future.
But why is it so important? Companies with a high market capitalization, for example, usually have more limited growth potential than those with a low market capitalization.
But greater solidity.


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