
What You Should Have in Your Car to Avoid Fines

The Essential Accessories and Documents to Avoid Fines While Driving

Driving has always been synonymous with independence.
Millions of people take to the road every day, aiming to move autonomously.
To address the issue of car pollution, more and more models are designed to limit CO2 emissions.

Before hitting the road, it’s crucial for drivers to ensure they have the necessary accessories and documents to avoid fines during a potential inspection.
Having a complete “anti-fine” kit in the car is essential.
Lack of these accessories and tools could result in significant fines.


Every driver traveling with their vehicle must know that three essential documents are mandatory to carry at all times: the insurance certificate, the driver’s license, and the vehicle registration document.
While the yellow insurance sticker on the windshield is no longer compulsory since October 2015, the insurance certificate (in either physical or digital form on a smartphone) must be onboard to prove valid insurance coverage.
Additionally, the vehicle registration document and driver’s license must be presented to law enforcement upon request.

For those learning to drive without a driver’s license yet, it’s mandatory to have the provisional permit and an ID card.
Failure to present these documents may result in fines ranging from 42 to 173 euros.

Warning Triangle

In addition to documents, a safety triangle is a crucial accessory.
This reflective triangular sign must be displayed in the event of a breakdown or accident to warn other drivers of your presence.
Failure to have a warning triangle may lead to a fine of 170 euros and a 2-point deduction from the driver’s license.

Reflective Vest

Regulated by the Highway Code, the use of a reflective vest is mandatory.
The vest must be worn outside urban areas or when positioning the warning triangle.
Failing to use it may result in fines up to 170 euros and a 2-point deduction.

Snow Chains

Drivers must carry snow chains if they don’t have winter tires, as per the Highway Code.
Failure to comply can lead to fines ranging from 40 to 300 euros.

Parking Disk

Another essential accessory is the parking disk, necessary in time-limited parking zones.
Displaying the disk correctly is crucial to avoid fines that could go up to 170 euros.

Child Safety Seats and Anti-Abandonment System

When traveling with children, it’s mandatory to use an approved child safety seat for kids under 1.50 meters in height.
Additionally, since 2019, the anti-abandonment system is compulsory for children under four years old.
Failure to comply may result in fines ranging from 80 to 330 euros and, in case of repeated violations within two years, a driver’s license suspension.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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