
Highway Code reform, the most important news

The 2024 Highway Code reform has obtained the green light from the Chamber of Deputies (163 yes and 103 votes against) and is now preparing to be examined by the Senate for final approval.
A reform desired by the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure – Matteo Salvini – who commented with satisfaction on the changes coming to the Highway Code as through more controls, greater road education and resolute rigor they will help to "save many lives".
The provision, which among the many innovations also contains a delegation to the Government for the complete rewriting of the Highway Code, is not liked by the opposition, with the dem secretary Elly Schlein believing that the updated text of the reform will have the opposite effect given a “higher speed allowed” and “fewer controls”.
Most likely it refers to the innovations desired by Minister Salvini regarding speed cameras, a real restriction as it will oblige Municipalities to use them only in strictly necessary cases.
But this should not in any case lead one to think of a more permissive Highway Code: in many respects, such as for those who drive while intoxicated as well as those who use a smartphone behind the wheel, the sanctions become more severe.
As well as for those who use electric scooters to get around the city.
In this regard, here are the most relevant innovations of the text that reforms the Highway Code, rules which we remind you also require approval by the Senate before officially coming into force.
Highway Code reform Electric scooters Investigations simplified Driving with a mobile phone Speed camera fines New drivers Pink sheet Ztl Speed limits Driving while intoxicated, alcohol lock Drugs Mini-suspension and revocation of the license Wild stops Abandonment of pets Fines paid late Electric scooters Una One of the main new developments, which is completely unexpected, concerns the regulation of electric scooters.
In fact, the obligation to have a license plate is required, more precisely an adhesive, plasticized and non-removable identification mark.
The obligation for drivers to have third party liability insurance is then introduced.
An extension of the obligation to wear a helmet is also envisaged for everyone, and not just for underage drivers.
In addition to the purely formalistic issues, the bill also proposes various rules of conduct.
In detail, a ban on wrong-way traffic is introduced on all roads, even those with two-way cycling where it is currently permitted.
Parking on the sidewalk is prohibited.
Furthermore, electric scooters are only allowed to circulate on urban roads, with a maximum speed limit of 50 km/h.
Finally, managers of scooter sharing services are required to install safety systems that prevent circulation in prohibited areas.
Investigations simplified Investigations of violations of the Highway Code can also be carried out remotely due to: obligation of precedence in correspondence with pedestrian and cycle paths; prohibition on stopping and parking in stalls reserved for traffic police, firefighters and emergency services, pink stalls and stalls reserved for disabled people, electric vehicles, loading/unloading of goods and public transport services.
Driving with mobile phone Penalties more severe even for those who drive with a smartphone: in fact, the minimum fine goes from 165 to 250 euros, and from 660 to 1,000 for the maximum, in addition to the suspension of the license from 15 days to 2 months from the first violation.
Even worse for those who are repeat offenders in the two-year period: the suspension of the license from 1 to 3 months is in fact added to a fine of 350 to 1,400 euros and the additional administrative sanction of suspension of the driving license from 1 to 3 months.
Furthermore, 5 points are deducted from the license for the first violation, 10 points in the event of a repeat violation within the two-year period.
Speed camera fines With the reform of the Highway Code, the Constitutional Court's orientation regarding the obligation for local administrations to subject speed cameras to periodic checks in order to ensure functionality is accepted.
On the motorists' side there is more important news: the system of multiple sanctions is put to an end.
Today, in fact, it can happen that in the presence of multiple speed cameras on the same stretch of motorway, exceeding the speed limit is ascertained several times.
To avoid there being too many fines to pay, it is established that where the assessment takes place on the same stretch and within the same time, then the fine to be paid will be only one, but the most serious one will be increased by 1/3.
New drivers A particularly discussed innovation concerns the extension of the ban on driving "powerful" cars – as defined – until they reach 3 years of license, instead of just 1.
In detail, holders of a type B license will not be able to drive until they reach of the limit: However, the limits are made less severe: the power limit is set to a "more reasonable" measure, going from 55 kW/t for motor vehicles and 70 kw/h for cars to 75 kW/t and 105 kW respectively .
It must be underlined that the new rules apply only to those who obtain their driving license after the approval of the reform.
Pink sheet The rules for issuing the pink sheet then change, as it will be mandatory to have first carried out a certain number of exercises on the motorway or on extra-urban roads and in night vision conditions, obviously accompanied by a qualified instructor.
Furthermore, with the pink slip it becomes forbidden to transport multiple passengers on mopeds and motorcycles.
Ztl As regards the Ztl, a tolerance of 10% is expected in the areas where a maximum stay period is applied.
Furthermore, there is no exit penalty for anyone who enters the restricted traffic zone before the ban comes into force.
The reason is to take into account any unforeseen circumstances or exceptional events that could lead to an involuntary stay longer than permitted.
The details are not yet known, but a more precise definition is expected to prevent entry before the ban from constituting a simple pass to wander around the restricted traffic zone without permission.
Speed limits The speed limits do not change as much as the sanctions: the Council of Ministers has in fact accepted the mayors' request to increase the amount of the fine imposed on those who within the inhabited center commit, at least twice within a year, a speed limit violation (of more than 10 km/h and no more than 40 km/h).
In this case the license will also be suspended for a period ranging from 15 to 30 days.
Driving while intoxicated, alcohol lock For those who have already been convicted of driving while intoxicated, driving with a blood alcohol level higher than 0 g/l, even if lower than 0.5 g/l, will be prohibited to avoid recidivism.
Otherwise, in the two (for level 0.8-1.5 g/l) or three years (above 1.5 g/l) of the ban, it will be possible to drive only with the installation of the alcohol lock, a device that prevents starting the engine if a blood alcohol level above the limit is detected.
The device, which must be regulated by the Ministry of Infrastructure, must be installed at the driver's expense.
Narcotic substances Strict restrictions on the use of narcotic substances, allowing officers to immediately carry out saliva sampling in case of suspicion of psycho-physical alteration.
The methods must be specified in the event of approval, but it is possible to accompany the driver to carry out the test at the appropriate facilities in case of impossibility.
The use of so-called "drogometers" is in fact not possible or effective.
In case of a positive test, the license will be revoked and it will be impossible to request a new document in the following 3 years.
Mini-suspension and revocation of the license For some serious violations of the Highway Code, the automatic suspension of the license will be introduced, without the need for approval from the justice of the peace.
In detail, reference is made to a precise scheme based on the points possessed on the driving licence: 7 days of suspension for those with between 10 and 19 points; 15 days suspension for those with between 1 and 9 points.
The fine is then expected to be doubled – to 14 and 30 days respectively – for the person responsible for a road accident.
The mini-suspension covers the most dangerous transgressions, such as failure to use child safety measures, use of electronic devices while driving and driving against traffic.
Finally, the definitive revocation of the driving license for those who repeat the most dangerous violations is hypothesized.
Unauthorized parking also restricted: the fine for those who park in places reserved for disabled people will be a minimum of 165 euros and a maximum of 660 euros for mopeds and motorbikes, and a minimum of 330 and a maximum of 990 euros for other vehicles; the fine for those who stop at the bus stop rises to a minimum of 87 euros and a maximum of 328 euros for two-wheeled vehicles and 165-660 euros for others.
Abandonment of pets Stricter rules also for those who abandon animals domestic servants (which, let's remember, is already a crime).
In detail, an increased sanction is established in the event that the incident occurs on roads or appurtenances, as the intrinsic danger of such behavior which puts public safety at risk must be considered.
And if the abandonment proves to be the cause of a road accident with proven death or personal injury to the detriment of road users, then the same penalties as for road homicide crimes are considered against the owner.
Fines paid late In cases where fines for violation of the Highway Code are paid late, it is established that the increase of 1/10 for every six months of delay cannot in any case exceed the maximum limit of 3/5.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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