Which Parent Should Apply for the Single Allowance?

Universal Single Allowance: Who Should Apply?

The Universal Single Allowance amount varies based on the ISEE value, a parameter used to assess household income in Italy.
Since parents might not belong to the same family unit and therefore have different ISEE values, is it convenient for the one with the lower ISEE to apply for the benefit? Many unmarried couples residing separately ask themselves this question.

However, there is no distinction in the amount granted regardless of which parent applies for the Universal Single Allowance.
The evaluation considers the incomes and assets of both parents, even if they are part of separate households.

Which Parent Should Request Child Allowance?

According to INPS, the request for the Child Allowance must be made “by one of the two parents exercising parental responsibility, regardless of living arrangements with the child, directly through the INPS website or by calling the contact center or through patronages”.

The key requirement is that the applicant meets specific criteria:

  • Be an Italian citizen, a European Union member, or a family member entitled to residence rights;
  • Be subject to income tax in Italy;
  • Be a resident in Italy for at least two years or hold a work permit for a period longer than six months;
  • Comply with other legal and regulatory conditions.

If both parents meet the established criteria, there is no difference in the benefit amount, regardless of who applies.

Calculation and Considerations

The calculation method for the Universal Allowance considers the ISEE, which includes both parents in most cases.
However, some exceptions apply, such as unmarried and non-cohabitating parents, where specific conditions exclude one parent from the ISEE assessment.

It is crucial that the bank account for benefit disbursement is in the name of the applicant.
Otherwise, alternative payment methods can be arranged.

Allowance for Separated or Divorced Parents: Who Applies?

For separated or divorced parents, the benefit amount remains the same regardless of the applying parent.
Furthermore, the regulation allows separated parents to choose whether the allowance is paid in full to one parent or divided equally between both.

The application process allows the applicant to indicate the preferred payment split, ensuring flexibility for all parents involved.


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