Single allowance increases in 2025, new amounts unveiled in advance

Update on the Single Child Allowance in 2025

Even in January 2025, as it has happened in the past two years, the amount of the Single Child Allowance will benefit from an increase due to the revaluation.
This mechanism adjusts the amounts of the Single Child Allowance and the Isee thresholds used for the calculation to the inflation recorded in the last 12 months, in order to maintain their purchasing power.

To better understand the importance of this tool, consider the following data: initially, the maximum amount of the Single Child Allowance was 175 euros per child.
Today, we have almost reached 200 euros (exactly 199.40 euros).
Similarly, at the beginning of the measure, the Isee limit to receive the maximum amount was 15,000 euros.
Now, due to the revaluation, we have reached 17,090.61 euros.

Over the span of two years, more money has been provided to more people, thanks to the high inflation recorded in the last two years post-pandemic.
Now, as the price surge seems to have halted, with inflation back below the 2% control threshold, the increase in the Single Child Allowance will be more moderate.

New Isee thresholds from January 2025

For the adjustment of the Single Child Allowance to the cost of living, the inflation rate established by Istat for 2024 is entirely taken and applied both to the amounts of the measure (including increases, except for the fixed increase of 150 euros granted to families with at least 4 children) and to the Isee limit.

Starting with the latter: today, the Isee threshold not to be exceeded to be entitled to the maximum amount is 17,090.61 euros.
Above this threshold, the amount decreases (by about 5 euros for every 1,000 euros of Isee), until it reaches the minimum once the limit of 45,574.96 euros is exceeded.

Considering an expected inflation rate of 1.6% for this year, if the verified inflation were actually the same as estimated, the Isee limit to be entitled to the maximum amount would rise to 17,364.05 euros, a minimal change compared to last year (about 273 euros).
More significant is the adjustment made to the threshold beyond which the recognition of the minimum amount kicks in: it goes up to 46,304.15 euros, around a 730 euro increase from the current threshold.

Changes in Allowance Amounts in 2025

Having clarified the two reference thresholds, let’s focus on the amounts.
Let’s start with the base amount which currently ranges from a maximum of 199.40 to a minimum of 57 euros.

With a 1.6% revaluation, the amount would rise to a maximum of 202.59 and a minimum of 57.91 euros, respectively.
Certainly, reading these figures may disappoint many of you, but remember that this is a consequence of lower inflation, which actually has many other advantages.

Turning back to the increases in the Single Child Allowance, let’s consider the increments.
Firstly, it is worth mentioning the 50% increase (with the maximum amount that can thus rise up to 303.88 euros) for children under 1 year of age, or 3 years for families with at least 3 children.

Then, the other increases to consider are for:

  • Subsequent children after the second: currently ranging from 96.90 to 17.10 euros, in 2025 it would increase to a maximum of 97.53 euros and a minimum of 17.37 euros;
  • Both parents receiving income: the current maximum amount is 34.10 euros, which would increase to 34.65 euros;
  • Mothers under 21: currently entitled, regardless of Isee, to a 22.80 euro increase.
    With the adjustment, it would rise to 23.16 euros;
  • Disability with non-self-sufficiency: currently at 119.16 euros, it would increase to 121.07 euros;
  • Severe disability: here it would rise from 108.20 euros to 109.93 euros;
  • Moderate disability: finally, from an amount of 96.90 euros, it would increase to 98.45 euros.

The revaluation would also affect the Single Child Allowance for adults, for whom in 2024 the amount ranges between 96.90 and 28.50 euros.
With the adjustment to the cost of living, next year it should instead be 98.45 and 28.96 euros.

Read more about the 2024 Single Child Allowance Table.


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