Single allowance 2024, here's how to request an increase in the amount

From April 2024 it is possible to request an increase in the single allowance for dependent children even if there has been a significant (negative) change in assets in the last year.
To date, in fact, the only effective tool for requesting an increase in the amount of the single allowance is the current ISEE, i.e.
the certificate calculated on income and assets referring to the previous year and not 2 years before as instead it happens with the ordinary ISEE.
The current ISEE, however, can only be requested in the event of a worsening of the economic condition, which is why the value of the certificate will obviously be lower than the ordinary one.
And since the single allowance is calculated on the basis of the currently valid ISEE, it will result in an increase (even of the previous monthly payments if the current ISEE was released by May 31st).
However, the request for the current ISEE cannot be made at all times.
In fact, where it is necessary to update the assets, you have to wait until April 1st.
Once this deadline has passed, it is therefore always possible to use the current ISEE to increase the single allowance.
How to increase the single allowance with the current ISEE As is known, the calculation of the single allowance for dependent children takes into account the ISEE value in the reference period.
For example, the maximum amount is due (199.40 euros per child, net of increases) only in the case of an ISEE lower than 17,090.61 euros.
Above this threshold the basic value of the single allowance decreases by approximately 5 euros for every 1,000 euros, up to the minimum of 57 euros with ISEE equal to or greater than 45,574.96 euros.
The same amount is due to those who apply for the single allowance without however presenting ISEE.
To increase the amount, therefore, the most effective solution is to reduce the value indicated by the certificate.
However, although there are some measures to follow to lower the ISEE, only one of these has immediate effect: it is the current ISEE, the tool that takes into account income and assets referring to the year preceding the presentation of the DSU, a difference from the ordinary ISEE which instead looks at income and assets from the second previous year.
As anticipated, the current ISEE can only be presented on certain occasions.
For example, the ordinary certificate must first have been issued.
Furthermore, for the updating of income, which is permitted immediately, one of the following situations must have occurred: change in the work situation or an interruption of social security, welfare and compensation payments not included in the overall income (declared for IRPEF purposes ) for one or more members of the family unit; variation in the overall income situation of the family unit exceeding 25% compared to the income situation identified in the ISEE calculated ordinarily.
The case of assets is different.
In order to update them, in fact, it is necessary that in the last year there has been a reduction in the overall assets of the family unit of more than 20% compared to the asset situation identified in the ordinary ISEE.
In this case, however, the current ISEE can only be requested starting from April 1st.
It is obvious, given the situations in which it may be requested, that the current ISEE will be lower than the ordinary ISEE and therefore the amount of the single allowance will also benefit from it.
In detail, after the release of the current ISEE the INPS will carry out a recalculation of the single allowance.
In this regard, it is important to specify that: in the case of a current ISEE presented by 30 June, the single allowance will be recalculated starting from 1 March.
In this case, therefore, the benefit will be adjusted and all arrears will be due starting from the month of March; in the case of a current ISEE presented from 1 July, the single allowance will be recalculated but only for the monthly payments credited subsequently.
Therefore, any arrears for previous months are not due.
Single allowance for dependent children, how much does it increase for each child? The single allowance also increases if another child is born.
And not only because obviously an additional amount is recognized for the new born, but also because in the case of a child following the second, increases on the amount are also applied.
In detail, for children after the second, an increase is applied ranging from 96.90 euros (for ISEE less than 17,090.61 euros) to 17.10 euros (for ISEE equal to or greater than 45,574.96 euros).
In the case of a fourth child, however, – in addition to the aforementioned one – a further increase is applied, equal to a flat rate of 150 euros (it therefore applies to the subsequent amount).
It must also be considered that in the first year of the child's life an increase of 50% is added to the basic amount of the single allowance.
This applies up to 3 years in the case of families with at least 3 children.
For example, a family with an ISEE of 10 thousand euros and with two children receives 398.80 euros as a single allowance (199.40 euros per child).
In the case of a third child the amount does not rise to 598.20 euros, but to 794.80 euros as the fee for the new born amounts to 396 euros.
Single allowance: by how much it increases if both parents start working Another way in which the amount of the single allowance increases is when both parents start a job.
The legislation, in fact, provides that in the event that both parents have an income, an increase ranging from 34.10 euros for those with an ISEE equal to or less than 17,090.61 euros is applied to the share of the single allowance due for each child.
until reaching zero for those who reach the threshold of 45,574.96 euros.


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