Social allowance 2024, new amount and requirements

The Social Allowance, a support benefit for people who find themselves in financial difficulty upon reaching retirement age (67 in 2024), is renewed.
As a result of the revaluation, a mechanism that adapts welfare and social security treatments to the cost of living, both the amount and the income limits to benefit from the 2024 social allowance have been updated.
The same applies to the amount of the increase per million, an increase which increases the Social Allowance upon reaching the age of 70.
It is therefore urgent to review the guide on Social Allowance, updating the new access requirements as well as the rules for calculating the benefit.
Here is everything you need to know about a measure that represents an important support especially for those who do not reach the minimum contribution requirement for access to the pension.
Social allowance 2024 Requirements What income is considered Amount and income limit How it is calculated When you lose How to apply Requirements To request the 2024 social allowance you must first meet some specific requirements, namely: age, at least 67 years old; be Italian, EU or non-EU citizens in possession of an EU residence permit for long-term residents.
It is also entitled to foreigners or stateless persons holding the status of political refugee or subsidiary protection; actual residence and habitual residence in Italy; personal income not exceeding the annual amount of the social allowance itself, while the marital income must not exceed the same value twice.
EU and non-EU citizens who hold a residence card and have been continuously resident in Italy for at least 10 years can also apply.
What income is considered For the purposes of calculating the existence of the requirements to apply for a social allowance, useful income includes: income subject to Irpef, net of tax and social security contributions; tax-exempt income; income subject to withholding tax.
For example: winnings deriving from chance, from games of skill, from prize competitions, paid by the State, by public and private legal entities; income subject to substitute tax.
For example: postal and bank interests, interests on BOTs, CCTs and any other government securities, interests, premiums and other fruits on bonds and similar securities issued by banks and joint-stock companies; income from land and buildings; war pensions; life annuities provided by Inail; direct pensions provided by foreign states; pensions and allowances paid to disabled civilians, the blind and the deaf; maintenance payments paid in accordance with the civil code.
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On the contrary, the following are not considered for the calculation of income: severance payments and advance payments on the payments themselves; the income from the dwelling house; outstanding skills subject to separate taxation; accompanying allowances for disabled civilians, blind civilians and communication allowances for the deaf; lifetime allowance paid to former combatants of the 1915/1918 war; arrears of employee work performed abroad.
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1 of 2 January 2024 to update the amounts of the social allowance.
The monthly amount of the social allowance paid in 2024 rises to 534.41 euros and the benefit is recognized for 13 months.
Amount which, thanks to the increase of one million, can rise up to 735.05 euros (thanks to an increase of 200.64 euros) upon reaching the age of 70.
The following are entitled to the full social allowance: unmarried individuals who have no income; married individuals who have a family income lower than the annual amount of the allowance, therefore 6,947.33 euros in 2024.
The following are entitled to the allowance or social pension in a reduced amount: unmarried individuals who have an income lower than the annual amount of the check, therefore 6,947.33 euros; married individuals who have a family income between the annual amount of the allowance and double the annual amount of the allowance, therefore 13,182.78 euros in 2024.
Depending on the case, therefore, they are entitled to a full amount or only one integration, with the intention however of guaranteeing the person an annual income of at least 6,947.33 euros.
How it is calculated No problem for those who have zero personal income, or a marital income lower than the amount of the social allowance itself.
In fact, they are still entitled to the maximum amount, equal to 534.41 for 13 months.
The amount is reduced for those with an income other than zero but still lower than the annual limits.
In this case the social allowance is calculated by subtracting the value of the personal (or marital, depending on the case) income from the annual limit.
For example, those with a personal income of 3,000 euros will be entitled to a social allowance of 3,947.33 euros (6,947.33 – 3,000), therefore approximately 303 euros per month.
For those who are married, marital income is also taken into account.
In fact, the sum of the incomes received by husband and wife must be subtracted from the threshold of 13,182.78 euros.
The amount due will be the lower one resulting from the two operations (individual income and marital income).
read also Social allowance or pension, calculation of the amount: the guide When it is lost The social allowance is lost when the required requirements are no longer met.
For example, when at a later time the holder of the allowance receives an income higher than that required by law.
For this reason, every year those who receive the social allowance must send the Red form to the INPS.
In the event that this model results in the aforementioned income thresholds being exceeded, then the social allowance lapses.
But be careful: the social security check is also lost if the aforementioned form is not sent by the deadline.
In the first 60 days of delay, INPS suspends it, after which the social allowance lapses and you will have to make a new application.
read also Are social allowances and pensions compatible? How to apply The application to request the social allowance in 2024 can be submitted exclusively electronically, through the following channels: INPS website (access with Spid, Cie or Cns); contact center (803164 free from landline or 06164164 from mobile network for a fee according to the tariff of your telephone operator); INPS patronages and intermediaries.
The following documents must be included in the application to request the social pension: self-certification of personal data; the declaration of the income situation; the declaration of responsibility regarding any hospitalization in an institution with fees paid by the State.
In fact, in the case of hospitalization the allowance is reduced: by 50% if the fee is paid entirely by the State; 25% if the fee is paid by the interested party or by family members and is less than half the social allowance; no reduction if the fee involves an expense exceeding 50% of the allowance.
If the check or social pension is refused, an appeal can be made to the INPS provincial committee within 90 days of receiving the refusal communication.
Please note: it is not possible to request social security arrears.


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