Assegno d'inclusione

Late Payment of Inclusion Allowance in May: INPS Confirmation

Assegno di inclusione: nuove date di pagamento confermate dall’Inps

With message No.
1816 published last May 13, INPS officially unblocked the applications for those who have adults with disabilities in their families, reiterating the payment dates for the Inclusion Allowance and confirming that this month the money will arrive slightly later than usual.

Normally, the monthly payment is scheduled between the 26th and 27th of each month, although last time it was even anticipated to April 24th.
However, this May seems to be an exception: unless there are last-minute changes, for now there are no announcements of such, the Inclusion Allowance will arrive 24 hours later than expected by the beneficiaries.

Delayed payment of the Inclusion Allowance, confirmation from INPS

The payment dates for the Inclusion Allowance for the first half of the year were officially communicated by INPS with message No.
835 on February 26.
It states that the first payment usually occurs on the 15th of the month, while for each subsequent renewal, the credit is expected on the 27th day.
However, INPS reserves the right to anticipate or postpone by one or two days in case of public holidays.

According to the message, the payment dates for the month of May are as follows: Wednesday, May 15, 2024, for those who still need to pick up the Adi card or are waiting for past monthly payments; Tuesday, May 28, 2024, is instead scheduled for the current month’s payment for those who have been receiving it for at least a month.

Changes in the payment schedule

The INPS calendar foresees a one-day shift compared to the usual payment date, although the reason is not clear since the next holiday is June 2, 2024, which should not justify such a delay.

It seems confirmed by INPS that with the new message published on May 13, they reiterated that “payments are made in accordance with the dates communicated with message No.
835 of February 26, 2024″.

Despite past changes in the schedule, such as in April when the payment was made on the 24th instead of the 26th, at the moment this is the date to consider for the credit.

Risk of payment suspension without services uptake

Before concluding, it is worth mentioning that the deadline in May is approaching for families who applied for the Inclusion Allowance by January 26 to mandatory visit the social services for the formal intake and signing of the Inclusion Pact.

Even though the rule states that this intake should occur within 120 days following the digital activation Pact signing, for the initial requests, the Ministry of Labor authorized a temporary extension due to initial technical issues in the Gepi platform (used by INPS to communicate with the Municipalities).

For this reason, INPS established that the 120-day deadline is calculated from January 26 instead of the Pad signing date: this means that the final deadline to visit the social services, even without an appointment, is set for May 25.

Failure to comply will result in the suspension of payments, probably not starting from this month due to the short timeframe, but certainly from June onwards.
Once the visit occurs, the Inclusion Allowance is reinstated with payment of past monthly allowances.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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