Inclusion Allowance: Thousands of Families Won’t Receive Payment. Here’s Why

Thousands of Families at Risk of Not Receiving Inclusion Allowance

Thousands of families are at risk of not receiving the Inclusion Allowance.
An alarm comes just a few hours before the arrival of the May payment (scheduled between this afternoon and tomorrow morning, Tuesday, May 28).
However, there should be no problems with this payment.

June Payment Concerns

The next payment scheduled for June is what is causing concern.
Families who applied for the benefit first, between December 18 and the end of January, and have not yet been taken care of by the social services of the Municipality of residence are at risk.

According to the regulations (Decree No.
48 of 2023), one of the obligations is to go to the social services for a multidimensional evaluation of the family’s needs and the signing of the Inclusion Pact.
This meeting must take place within 120 days of signing the digital activation Pact, otherwise the Inclusion Allowance payments will be suspended.

As we reach the end of May, it seems that this situation may affect thousands of families.


From the signing of the digital activation Pact, we must count 120 days: within this period, the first meeting at the social services must have taken place, even if the appointment has not been made.

However, the note from the Ministry of Labour No.
6062 of March 28, 2024, has provided a derogation from what is established by the regulations.
Due to the delays accumulated in the initial phase, for all applications submitted by February 29, the 120-day deadline is calculated from the submission of the Adi applications flow on the Gepi platform (instead of from the Pad signing).

For the first flow of applications submitted, the 120-day deadline is calculated from January 26.
Therefore, for those who applied first, the 120-day deadline expired on May 25, while for others, the deadline will be in the coming weeks.

There is still time to comply (as payments should be suspended starting from June), but for those who do not, their card will not be recharged next month.

Minister’s Data

According to data revealed by the Minister of Labour, Marina Elvira Calderone, at the Trento Festival of Economics, there are 672,926 families benefiting from the measure in May.
However, according to rumors, just over 300,000 families have been taken care of by the Municipalities.

It is important to note that the law does not accept excuses: in the provision establishing the Inclusion Allowance, it is stated that the visit to the social services must take place within 120 days of signing the Pact (except for the aforementioned derogation), even in the absence of an appointment.

How to Avoid Suspension

The final responsibility is deferred to the family, who are instructed to go to the offices of the Municipality of residence even in the absence of a summons.

If you believe you are close to the 120-day deadline, we recommend that you first call the Municipality to inquire about the deadline for completing this process.
Then make sure that the appointment will take place before the deadline; otherwise, arrange a meeting in the days before to avoid the risk of suspension.

Remember that the suspension of the Inclusion Allowance is different from forfeiture: in this case, the payments will only be “frozen” until the aforementioned appointment takes place.


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