Inclusion allowance, the official March payment date (and who doesn't receive it)

Next week the sums relating to the March month will be available on the Inclusion Card for all those who have already received the January and February top-ups.
The payment date of the March inclusion allowance was made official by INPS in message no.
835 of 2024, which also indicates those referring to the next monthly payments.
And as we can see from the calendar, the payment will not always take place on the 27th of the month (as happened for example for the Citizenship Income): for some monthly payments, in fact, the credit is anticipated, while for others it is postponed (it is not clear the method used by INPS).
In the case of March there are no changes: for families who satisfy the conditions the payment is scheduled for Wednesday 27 March 2024.
Whoever receives the inclusion allowance this Wednesday The one arriving next week is the second payment in program in March: the first, which took place on 15 March, concerned the families benefiting from the Inclusion Allowance who submitted an application by February 2024, with a positive outcome of the investigation and with a Digital Activation Agreement signed.
Only for families who have already received payments in the previous months, therefore referring to January and February 2024, the third top-up of the inclusion allowance is due on 27 March (obviously provided that the requirements for access to support persist ).
In fact, only families who have applied for it by January 2024, with a positive outcome and activated Pad, to whom the second payment was credited on 27 February, will receive the next top-up of the Inclusion Allowance.
In this regard, we reiterate that for the inclusion allowance the 30-day limit within which to spend the amount paid has ceased to exist: there is no deadline, which means that if there are residual sums from the last top-up, they are added regularly to those credited in March without having to fear any reduction in the amount.
read also Inclusion allowance, by when it must be spent and amount limit on the card.
Pay attention to the inclusion allowance paid in March.
As we have explained to you several times, and reiterated by INPS in message no.
1090 of 2024, starting from the March payment, the INPS verifies the presence of the ISEE 2024.
This means that in the event that the new ISEE certificate for 2024 is not yet available, the service is suspended to resume (with the payment of the arrears) in the month following the month in which it will be acquired by INPS.
Furthermore, for those who only requested the new ISEE in February, the monthly payment due in March could contain a surprise, more or less welcome depending on the case.
In fact, to calculate the March monthly payment, INPS will carry out the necessary checks taking into consideration the new ISEE, in particular the part referring to income.
There are many scenarios that could arise from this new evaluation: in the 2024 ISEE, a loss of the requirements to benefit from the inclusion allowance could be certified.
For this reason there will be no payment in March, as the measure has lapsed.
The only possibility to be included among the beneficiaries is to request a current ISEE and hope to meet the requirements again, so as to be able to send a second application; in ISEE 2024 the requirements could be maintained but an increase in family income.
So the Inclusion Allowance is still paid, but for a lower sum.
Here too the current ISEE is the only possible solution to try to recover; finally, the best scenario is that in which the ISEE 2024 results in a reduction in income.
In this case, in fact, the amount disbursed benefits from an increase.
News for the use of the Adi card We would also like to remind you that from March the credited monthly payment can also be used to make a bank transfer to pay the mortgage.
In recent weeks, in fact, the INPS has verified the presence of a mortgage for the main residence (considering the new ISEE) and if so, has enabled the ADI card allowing you to make the relevant bank transfer.


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