
Fine for Italians who prune hedges after April 1st

As spring approaches there is the inevitable growth of foliage, which pushes us to prune hedges and trees to obtain a tidier appearance and avoid inconvenience.
Yet there is no more wrong time of year, given that it is precisely in this period of vegetative growth that birds reproduce through nesting.
In addition to the high risk of destroying nests and animals, mowing plants in an imprudent way creates enormous damage to the environment, putting a spoke in the wheels of the natural balance of the ecosystem and risking damaging, more or less directly, also things and people.
This is why it is forbidden to prune hedges and trees from 1 April to 31 August, or for longer periods depending on local regulations.
Italians who violate the ban risk heavy sanctions, sometimes criminally significant.
Here's what you need to know.
Fines for those who prune hedges after April 1st As anticipated, it is not possible to prune hedges and trees when birds are nesting, i.e.
in the period from March to September.
This is established by a European Union directive, in particular n.
2009/147/EC (known as the "Birds Directive"), which aims to safeguard the protection and management of wild birds, their eggs and habitats in European territory.
But that is not all.
The protection of nests, habitats and chicks (the young birds) is also ensured by a national law.
Law no.
157/1992, in fact, is dedicated to the protection of wild fauna and article 21 states that it is forbidden to "remove, damage or otherwise render unsuitable for their purpose the tables legitimately affixed pursuant to this law or regional provisions to specific territorial areas ”, providing for various sanctions commensurate with the seriousness of the violations.
It is then up to local authorities to regulate more precisely, outlining the precise dates in which the ban and fines apply.
The control intervention is requested not only by citizens, but also by environmental and wildlife protection associations.
It should be noted that the ban: concerns hedges, trees and branches, because in addition to nesting itself, possible dens and cubs taking shelter must be taken into account; it applies to public green areas but also to private individuals.
Consequently, it is forbidden to prune hedges and trees after April 1st, just as the felling of plant species is generally forbidden, otherwise you risk heavy fines, according to the amount established by the authorities.
When trees and hedges can be pruned The ban in question concerns all plant species during the period of vegetative growth and bird reproduction and remains in force until the end of August.
At the same time, essential interventions due to necessity and urgency remain permitted.
For example, the pruning of unstable and unsafe trees is permitted.
However, interventions must be carried out carefully, following the advice of specialized technicians.
It is in fact essential not to disturb the state of the plants beyond what is necessary, always taking great care not to destroy nests and eggs or injure animals.
Furthermore, unmotivated pruning during this recovery period is counterproductive from all points of view, because it weakens the plant, preventing its correct development and increasing the risk of collapse.
read also How far and high the neighbour's hedge must be What risks those who prune hedges Pruning hedges and trees after 1 April is risky for all the reasons listed, which is why following checks by the Forestry Carabinieri and the Municipal Police they can fines may be applied.
The amount of the fines depends on the green regulations adopted by your municipality, which you are invited to consult to verify all the information.
Furthermore, in the worst case scenario, anyone who does not comply with the ban can be accused of the crime of killing animals, identified by article 544 bis of the Penal Code and punished with imprisonment from 4 months to 6 years.
According to the Court of Cassation, this case also applies when the death is caused by an omission, such as the denial of assistance to an injured or distressed animal.
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Author: Hermes A.I.

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