Women's freedom income 2024, who is entitled to the 400 euro bonus and the hiring incentive

The INPS has published instructions for employers who hire unemployed women victims of violence, beneficiaries of the so-called Freedom Income, a measure that was established by article 105 bis of legislative decree no.
34 of 2020 (converted with law no.
77/2020) and governed by the Prime Ministerial Decree of 17 December 2020.
The advantage of employers who hire an unemployed beneficiary of the Freedom Income is notable as the 2024 Budget Law recognized the exemption from the payment of social security contributions, with the exclusion of premiums and contributions to INAIL, to the extent of 100% (but within a limit of 8,000 euros per year).
The Freedom Income, which among other things the same maneuver has made structural by allocating 10 million euros per year for the three-year period 2024-2026, and then decreasing to 6 million starting from 2027, represents valid help for female victims of violence.
To date, however, the circular indicating the methods for requesting the Freedom Income in 2024 is still missing, although for requirements and amounts you can refer to the INPS circular no.
166 of 2021.
In this regard, here is everything you need to know about the Freedom Income, including the exemption from contributions on hiring, an important measure which, although it is still insufficient to solve an unfortunately persistent problem in our country, still represents a valid help for those women who are facing a period of considerable difficulty due to the violence they have suffered.
Who is entitled to the Freedom Income As anticipated, the measure – financed by the "Fund for the freedom income for women victims of violence" – is intended for women in conditions of greater vulnerability with the aim of encouraging, through the achievement of economic independence, paths to autonomy and emancipation.
The recipients of the measure are women victims of violence, both with and without children, followed by anti-violence centers recognized by the Regions (and by social services for ways to escape violence).
As regards citizenship, both Italian and EU women, as well as foreigners, can access it but only if they have a regular residence permit.
What you are entitled to Recipients of the Freedom Income are entitled to a financial contribution equal to a maximum of 400 euros, granted in a single payment for a maximum of 12 months.
In detail, this contribution – of a maximum of 4,800 euros – serves to support the expenses necessary to: ensure housing independence; regain personal autonomy; support for the schooling and training of minor children.
It must also be said that it is also compatible with other income support measures, such as the new inclusion allowance or even with the Naspi unemployment allowance or the redundancy fund.
Contribution exemption With the 2024 Budget Law, further protection was added in favor of women victims of violence who are beneficiaries of the Freedom Income.
If you are unemployed – provided you have issued the appropriate declaration of immediate availability for work validated by the employment center – employers can hire you while enjoying the exemption from social security contributions of 100% (with the exclusion of premiums and contributions due to INAIL), but only in the case of employment relationships: permanent, in which case the exemption is valid for 24 months; fixed-term, with the exemption for the duration of the employment relationship but in any case within 12 months; for permanent transformations of a previous fixed-term relationship, for a duration of 18 months starting from the date of hiring on a fixed-term contract.
The incentive also applies in the case of part-time working hours, as well as for hiring in a cooperative or with a temporary agency contract.
An essential requirement to benefit from the relief is that at the time of hiring the unemployed woman must be a beneficiary of the Freedom Income.
However, upon first application of the exemption, i.e.
for all hires made in 2024, employers who hire a woman who has completed the period foreseen for the Freedom Income received in 2023 also benefit from the relief.
For more information, below you will find circular no.
41 just published by INPS with all the operating instructions for employers.


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