Unemployed bonus 2024, what and how much is due to those without work

Also in 2024, various bonuses are due for the unemployed, especially with the entry into force of the Training and Work Support (Sfl) which together with the Inclusion Allowance replaces the Citizenship Income.
The State supports those who are out of work by recognizing both support measures and personalized paths aimed at encouraging the re-employment of the unemployed person.
Added to this are some benefits, such as the possibility of not paying the health copay.
In this regard, bonuses for the unemployed can be divided into three large groups: on the one hand unemployment benefits, aid that is payable immediately after the involuntary loss of one's job which varies depending on the sector to which they belong as well as the type of contract; on the other, active policies, career orientation and training courses organized by employment centres, employment agencies or training centres, which in some cases provide financial support; finally, the recognition of some tools that would have been recognized in any case while working, such as maternity leave, marriage leave or sickness benefit.
Starting from this distinction we can therefore answer the question of what bonuses for the unemployed are in force in 2024, focusing on what amounts can be obtained depending on the case.
Unemployed bonus 2024 Who is unemployed Unemployed bonus 2024, unemployment benefits Active policies Bonuses for the unemployed Who is unemployed Generally one might think that the unemployed person is the one without a job.
Indeed this is the case, but limiting ourselves to this definition is reductive.
As clarified by article 19 of legislative decree no.
150 of 2015, in fact, the state of unemployment is acquired when these two conditions simultaneously exist: being without a job, or in any case when from work activity one does not receive an income from employment exceeding 8,500 euros per year, 5,500 euros in the case of self-employment; have declared their immediate availability to carry out a work activity and to participate in active employment policy measures.
This step must be completed by issuing the declaration of immediate availability (Did).
Having clarified this important aspect, we can see what bonuses are due this year to those who are unemployed and, depending on the case, meet particular requirements.
Unemployed bonus 2024, unemployment benefits Let's start with a list of unemployment benefits, i.e.
those income support benefits for those who suddenly – and for reasons beyond their control – find themselves without a job.
As anticipated, there are various measures, each reserved for a specific category of workers: Naspi unemployment allowance: for employed workers who have at least 13 contributory weeks in the last 4 years, an allowance equal to 75% of the average salary received in the reference period within 1,425.21 euros, plus 25% for the residual part up to a maximum of 1,550.42 euros (values updated to 2024).
It is paid for a period equal to half of the contribution weeks accrued in the last 4 years, therefore for a maximum of 24 months; Dis-Coll unemployment benefit: similar to Naspi, but reserved for coordinated and continuous collaborators in the event of termination of one or more collaborations, as well as research fellows and PhD students with scholarships.
The essential requirement is to have accrued at least 1 month of contributions in the INPS Separate Management.
The calculation of the amount is similar to that of Naspi, with the same maximum limits, with the difference that the salary received is not taken into account but the taxable income for social security purposes as resulting from the contribution payments made in the calendar year in which it occurred the event of cessation of work and in the previous calendar year, divided by the number of months of contribution, or fraction thereof.
Sar income support: provided by Formatemp, it is instead entitled to unemployed workers who have had agency contracts and satisfy at least one of the following requirements: unemployed for at least 45 days with at least 110 days of work accrued, or for at least 45 days who have concluded the MOL procedure (Lack of Work Opportunities).
In this case, a bonus of 1,000 euros is due, which is reduced to 780 euros for those who have been unemployed for at least 45 days and have completed at least 90 days of work over the last 12 months.
Agricultural unemployment compensation: for employed agricultural workers there is also a reserved measure, payable for a number of days equal to those worked within the maximum limit of 365 days per year.
There are a series of requirements to be met: registration in the lists of names of employed agricultural workers, 2 years of seniority in insurance against involuntary unemployment and at least 102 daily contributions over the two-year period.
The amount is equal to 40% of the reference salary, with a 9% deduction as a solidarity contribution.
The active policies Then there are the active policies, i.e.
those paths where the unemployed, with the support of the center for employment or private employment agencies participates in initiatives that should encourage reemployment.
In detail, today there are two active policies that recognize an economic bonus for those who participate: Inclusion allowance, payable to families in which there is at least one disabled member, a minor or over 60.
Or even those in which there is a person in a disadvantaged condition and included in a care and assistance program of local social and health services certified by the public administration.
But be careful, it is not a given that, as happened with the Citizenship Income, an unemployed person is automatically considered among the recipients of the Inclusion Allowance; the legislation, in fact, takes into account those aged between 18 and 59 only if they have some disability or if they are burdened with caring for children or people with disabilities.
Otherwise, for the unemployed person, considered employable, there will be no inclusion allowance quota, but with the possibility of requesting other benefits such as support for training and work; Work training support: for those who do not take the Inclusion Allowance or in any case are not considered among the recipients, have an ISEE of less than 6,000 euros and are in a position to be able to work, a path is foreseen that starts from the signing of the service pact personalized with the employment center and is developed with participation in a series of training and orientation initiatives.
For the entire period of participation in the aforementioned activities, and in any case for a maximum of 12 months, a bonus worth 350 euros is due which, unlike the inclusion allowance, is paid to the individual.
It is important to underline that the SFL is not compatible with the NASPI.
read also 350 euro bonus (SFL), not just training courses: the list of activities that give the right to it Bonuses for the unemployed Finally, there are bonuses that are directly due to the unemployed, part of which constitute a continuation of the tools protection that would have been recognized for his continued employment.
An example of this is: sickness allowance: in the event of illness certified by the doctor within 60 days of termination of the employment contract, an allowance is payable – between the 4th and 180th day – equal to 50% of the average daily wage up to the 20th day, 66.66% from the 21st to the 180th day.
matrimonial leave: for those who in the 90 days preceding the marriage or civil union have worked for at least 15 days in the employ of industrial, artisan or cooperative companies, they are entitled to an allowance in lieu of matrimonial leave with a variable amount depending on the work sector and qualification (for example for workers it is equal to 7 days' pay); maternity leave: unemployed women are also entitled to an allowance in lieu of compulsory maternity leave – lasting 5 months – provided that no more than 60 days have passed between the suspension of work and the start of the leave, or alternatively where the The former worker is the owner of Naspi.
It is also due to workers employed in sectors in which the contribution against involuntary unemployment is not due, who in the last 2 years can boast at least 26 weekly contributions and have started the leave period with a maximum of 180 days from the last day of work .
As for female employees, the amount is equal to 80% of the last salary received.
For those workers who do not meet the aforementioned requirements and do not have contributory coverage, there is the possibility of requesting the maternity bonus from the Municipality, a support which this year amounts to 2,020.85 euros, provided they have an ISEE lower than 20,221.13 EUR.


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