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2024 Summer Camps Bonus: How to Reclaim Your Expenses

Support for Families in Covering Summer Camp Costs

As summer approaches, families are facing the financial responsibility of enrolling their children in summer camps.
The costs can be significant, ranging from 60 to 150 euros per week, depending on the schedule and location.
Unlike national support measures such as the nursery school bonus, currently, there are limited options available for families to offset these expenses.

Historical Context

In the past, there was a bonus in place to reimburse the costs of summer camps, especially during the pandemic when schools were closed.
However, these bonuses were short-lived, leaving only a few options for financial assistance, such as the INPS bonus for public sector employees and a few regional and municipal initiatives.

INPS Summer Camp Bonus

The INPS (National Social Security Institute) offers a subsidy to its insured individuals — public sector employees and pensioners — to cover part or all of the summer camp fees.
The application deadline for this year’s program is June 26th, and it provides 3,000 grants up to 100 euros per week per child aged up to 14 years.
The amount granted is income-dependent, with full funding for an ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) below 8,000 euros, and a reduced percentage for higher incomes.

For detailed instructions on how to apply for this bonus, please refer to the official announcement.

Regional Support

While most regions do not offer specific support for summer camps, residents of Emilia Romagna can apply for a bonus between June 3rd and July 15th.
This 7 million euro initiative supports families where both parents are employed or in specific employment schemes, or in the presence of caregiving responsibilities due to family members’ disabilities.

Income thresholds and child age limits apply, with a subsidy of up to 300 euros per child or 100 euros per week.

Municipal and Bilateral Initiatives

Individual municipalities may provide subsidized access to municipal summer camps for low-income families.
On the other hand, some bilateral organizations, formed by employer associations and trade unions, may offer bonuses for summer camps to their members.

Before committing to summer camp expenses, it’s advisable to explore potential support options from your employer or relevant bilateral entities.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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