Help for rent, here are all the benefits

For those who live in a rented house, the crisis period we are experiencing certainly doesn't help.
Is there help for those who live in rent? For those who pay the mortgage there is, in fact, the possibility in case of economic difficulty, to suspend the payment of installments for a certain period, but for those who live in rent, what benefits are there? The State, obviously, also helps those who do not own the property in which they live and are unable to pay the rent.
For 2023, in fact, important aid has been renewed provided that there are valid reasons and that the ISEE requirements are respected.
Let's see what it is and who this important benefit is aimed at.
Help for rent, here are all the benefits Help for those who live in rent, what does the State do? Non-guilty arrears fund for those who have received an eviction What are the serious reasons for accessing the fund? Rental bonus 2023 Rental bonus for young people with 20% deduction Help for those who live in rent, what does the State do? There are various aids put in place for those who live in rent and they vary based on the type of difficulty they are experiencing.
There is aid intended for those who have already received an eviction, for those who find themselves in a situation of economic hardship and are unable to bear the costs of the rent.
In this article we will examine what assistance is available for those who live in rent and what benefits are provided in these cases, as well as the requirements for requesting contributions, bonuses and discounts.
Non-guilty arrears fund for those who have received an eviction.
For 2023 the addition to the rent has been renewed.
It is paid only if there are serious and valid reasons that prevent the payment of the rent and that the ISEE limits established by law are respected.
To be entitled to the rent contribution, you must submit a specific application to access the forms of support provided for families living in economic hardship.
This is a bonus granted to those who are among the tenants who are victims of innocent arrears, i.e.
to those who do not pay the rent not out of a desire not to do so, but due to a lack of liquidity.
Until the funds are exhausted, the State provides it to families who are unable to pay the rent and it falls within the legislation of the anti-eviction decree.
read also Rental contribution 2017: up to 12,000 euros for innocent defaulters.
Here's how to request them.
It should be specified that the rent contribution fund is active not in all municipalities but only in those where there are problems related to housing tension and, consequently, the rent is higher (and more difficult to pay).
The contribution paid is equal to the difference between the value of the rent for a typical social housing unit and that actually paid by the tenant who is in financial difficulty.
To access the innocent arrears fund it is necessary that, in addition to the serious reasons that prevent you from paying the rent, the tenant is also in a difficult economic situation and has ISEE that does not exceed 26,000 euros per year.
What are the serious reasons for accessing the fund? The serious causes that give the right to request the 2023 rent contribution can be summarized in the following list: dismissal; reduction of working hours (and consequently of remuneration); redundancy fund; expiration of fixed-term contract not renewed; termination of work activity that does not depend on the worker's will; accident or death of a member of the family unit who contributed to the formation of the family income.
In addition to the serious reasons that prevent the payment of the rent and the ISEE which must be less than 26,000 euros per year, the tenant must also respect other conditions to be able to access the 2023 rent contribution.
For example, to be able to request the reimbursement of the For rent it is necessary that no member of the family unit is the owner or usufructuary of a property in the area of residence.
Furthermore, in order to access the fund, the tenant must have received eviction for non-payment and that the contract for the property in which he lives is duly registered.
Obviously the property for which the rent contribution is requested must not belong to a luxury category and you must have been resident in it for at least one year.
Rental bonus 2023 Article 1, paragraph 155 of the 2022 Budget Law has also renewed for 2023 the rental bonus whose final expiry is set at 31 December 2023.
The amount paid varies from year to year, for 2023 the sums made available to the Regions amount to 330 million which will then be distributed among the Municipalities.
The coverage of the bonus is to contribute to a maximum of 3 months' rent up to a maximum of 1,500 for each household.
What are the requirements to request it? These are three national minimum requirements, but each Municipality can then establish further limits.
The first concerns the economic conditions of the nucleus which must have an ISEE not exceeding 17,145 euros.
Families with ISEE up to 35,000 euros will also be able to benefit from the bonus but only if they have recorded a loss of Irpef income of more than 25% compared to the previous year (compare 2023 and 2022 tax returns).
The second requirement concerns the objective requirements of everyone who must be: an Italian or EU citizen, or be a citizen in possession of a residence permit for at least one year.
The third requirement concerns the residence which must be in the property for which the bonus is requested.
Youth rental bonus with 20% deduction For young people, however, help is provided if they decide to go and live in a rented house.
The age must be between 20 and 31 years of age and is entitled to a 20% deduction on the rent due up to a maximum of 2,000 euros per year.
If it is more convenient, a basic deduction of 991.60 euros will be recognized.
For example, if the 20% deduction is lower than 991.60 euros, this last figure will be recognized as a deduction and not the 20% on the annual rent.
read also Rent deduction for young people in 730 2023, how it changes and how it is included in the declaration


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