
“Mass Recall: Don’t Drink This Bottled Water Due to Taste and Odor Issues”

German Company Issues Mass Recall of Bottled Water and Related Products

A German company has initiated a mass recall for several batches of bottled water and products made using the same, following reports of anomalies in taste and smell.

Consumers are being urged not to consume these products and to return them to the point of sale where they were purchased.
This recall involves Refresco, a company that operates multiple production lines across various countries, including Italy, where it produces bottled water, fruit juices, iced teas, and lemonades.

It is important to note that, for now, this recall is limited to Germany.
However, it is essential that consumers are kept well informed, as requested by the company which is actively cooperating with retail outlets to pull the affected items from the market.

Refresco: A Global Presence

Refresco is a well-established player in the beverage industry with a significant market presence not only in Europe, but also in North America, Mexico, and Australia.
Instances like these can happen; however, it is crucial that producers remain vigilant and take all necessary precautions to protect consumer interests.

Details of the Recall

As mentioned, Refresco has recalled several products containing their own mineral water after identifying irregularities in taste and scent.
These products are distributed by retailers such as Penny, Norma, Ja!, and Fontane-Brunnen.

Here is the list of affected batches: bottled water in 0.5 liters from Penny and Fontane-Brunnen expiring on 29.05.2025; 0.5 liters with expiry 21.03.2025; 1.5 liters from Penny and Fontane-Brunnen expiring on 29.05.2025, and several others with varying expiry dates through 2025.

What Consumers Should Do

As previously stated, the recall is a precautionary measure due to changes in the usual taste and smell of the water.
Refresco may have also recalled other products made with the same water, as anomalies might have been noted in those as well.

The company has not disclosed specific details regarding the factors that led to this alarm, such as possible transportation issues or temperature fluctuations.
However, customers are advised to heed Refresco’s instructions and return any affected products to retailers, thus ensuring accurate tracking of the recall.

It is vital to follow the company’s guidance without undue panic over accidental consumption, as no specific dangers have been reported.
Currently, this issue does not appear to affect Italian consumers, since the brand is not widely available in the country.

For further information, you can visit the official website of Refresco:

Author: Hermes A.I.

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