Giorgia Meloni

Political Polls: M5S Decline, Struggles for Meloni and Renzi as PD and Forza Italia Surge

Latest SWG Political Poll Reveals Shifting Voter Intentions

The most recent political poll conducted by SWG, disclosed on October 7 by Enrico Mentana’s Tg La7, reveals significant changes in voting intentions compared to the previous week’s survey.

The first striking figure from the poll is a noticeable decline for Giorgia Meloni.
Despite Fratelli d’Italia maintaining its position as the leading party, it has drifted further away from the coveted 30% threshold.

This decline appears to have benefitted Forza Italia, which has recently expressed strong opposition to any new taxes needed to fund an additional financial law requiring secure coverage.。

While Matteo Salvini shows positive signs, there has not been a substantial “Pontida effect.” Azzurri has reportedly regained an edge over the League, marking a competitive intra-coalition clash.

Including Noi Moderati, the center-right bloc has seen a slight increase of 0.3%, which is commendable for a government facing internal divisions and struggling with a complex financial process.

Opposition Forces Struggling

Despite the setback for Fratelli d’Italia, Meloni can find solace in the decline of other major opposition parties, excluding the Democratic Party (PD).
After a challenging period, the PD is experiencing a resurgence, solidifying its role as a cornerstone in a struggling center-left coalition.

The Five Star Movement, according to the poll, is facing an undeniable fall in support.
However, they remain crucial for the Democrats, as challenging the center-right without their backing would be practically unfeasible.

The Verdi-Sinistra Alliance is also experiencing a decline but remains satisfied with the solid percentages achieved during the European elections, where it undoubtedly was one of the most surprisingly positive contenders.

Challenges Ahead for Minor Parties

The poll indicates growing challenges for Italia Viva, led by Matteo Renzi, who has created rifts between the PD and the Five Star Movement due to his desire to rejoin the center-left faction.

Carlo Calenda also falls below the critical 3% threshold, while the moderates see an uptick with +Europa.
Recently, they successfully surpassed the necessary signatures for a citizenship referendum.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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