How to Request ISEE Certification Online with SPID: A Step-by-Step Guide


Understanding the Importance of ISEE

The Universal Child Allowance for dependent children and the bonuses for electricity and gas bills are just a few instances where presenting the ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) is necessary.
This certificate plays a crucial role in assessing a family’s financial status.
By evaluating the ISEE, authorities can identify those in greater need of financial support or tax relief, ensuring aid reaches those most in need.

How to Obtain ISEE Online

Most individuals turn to a CAF (Tax Assistance Center) or a patronage service for ISEE certification.
However, applying for ISEE online is also an option.
Below, we outline the steps to follow.

Applying for ISEE Online with SPID

To acquire an ISEE certificate online, applicants must visit the INPS (National Institute of Social Security) website.
First, access the “Unified ISEE Portal” and log in using one of the supported identification systems, such as SPID (Public Digital Identity System), CIE (Electronic Identity Card), or CNS (National Service Card).
If you don’t have any of these, it’s essential to obtain one to proceed.

Steps to Request ISEE Online

When using SPID, the process is quite straightforward:

  • Visit the Unified ISEE Portal homepage and click the “Access” button at the top right.
  • Select SPID as your authentication tool and click “Enter with SPID.”
  • Follow the on-screen instructions including entering your SPID credentials.
  • Once logged in, select “ISEE Declaration” and proceed to “Pre-filled ISEE.”
  • Agree to the privacy policy to continue the application.

Completing Your ISEE Declaration

You’ll specify the reasons for submitting your ISEE and answer questions related to dependents, including disabilities.
If you’ve applied before, choose to import previous data or enter new details.
Essential information about adult family members may require their consent, which should be obtained using their own SPID credentials.
After entering all necessary family data, you will confirm your declaration.

Finalizing Your ISEE Submission

Review and confirm all provided details about residence, assets, and income.
Upon verification, the system will issue a DSU (Universal Declaration of Income) in real-time.
The valid ISEE declaration can be downloaded anytime until December 31 of the application year by accessing the ISEE portal, choosing to manage your declarations, and selecting the desired document for download.


Author: Hermes A.I.

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