
Highest Paying Degrees: Which Universities Yield the Best Salaries


Which Degrees Lead to Higher Earnings in Italy?

To become wealthy and successful, obtaining a degree is often recommended, though not mandatory.
Not all degrees are equal, and the question arises: which degrees yield the highest earnings in Italy? This inquiry is addressed by the latest study from the Job Pricing Observatory, which annually outlines future prospects based on the chosen university.
A degree, despite some exceptions, is typically the first step towards a lucrative career.

The Impact of a Degree on Earnings

It’s crucial to understand that holding a degree significantly improves the chances of a higher salary compared to not having one, especially when considering only a high school diploma.
The University Report 2024 by Job Pricing revealed that, for individuals aged 25-34, the salary difference between graduates and non-graduates is a mere 9%.
However, this gap widens dramatically in the 45-54 age range, reaching 55%.

In financial terms, the average gross salary for non-graduates is slightly above €29,000, while for graduates, it reaches around €42,000, resulting in a fixed salary difference of approximately €13,000.

Average Salaries Based on Education Level

Here’s a detailed look at average earnings in Italy depending on educational attainment:

  • Mandatory schooling: €26,840
  • Vocational diploma: €27,927
  • High school diploma: €31,066
  • Three-year degree: €31,658
  • First-level Master: €44,170
  • Master’s degree: €43,616
  • Second-level Master: €50,791

Evaluating Return on Educational Investment

To maximize earnings, careful consideration is necessary regarding both the field of study and the institution attended.
As the job market evolves, many students and families are opting for universities with a stronger focus on potential earnings over personal passions.

The Highest-Paying Universities

According to the Job Pricing study, the most lucrative degree in terms of initial earnings (ages 25-34) is in Management Engineering, with an average salary of €35,822, outperforming other fields by at least €400.
Most high-paying degrees belong to the engineering discipline, followed by computer science and other technical fields.

Best Italian Universities Based on Salaries

The location of one’s degree is equally crucial.
Graduates from private universities earn about 5% more than those from public ones.
Additionally, degrees from polytechnics often lead to salaries nearly €5,000 higher than those from public universities.
The average salaries are:

  • Private university: €43,502
  • Public university: €41,578
  • Polytechnic: €46,499

Furthermore, regional differences exist, with northern university graduates earning roughly 4% more than those from the center and about 9% more than southern graduates.

Top Italian Universities for Earning Potential

Here’s the list of the top 40 universities based on average annual income for graduates aged 25-34:

  1. Luigi Bocconi Commercial University: €38,390
  2. Polytechnic of Milan: €37,751
  3. University of Insubria: €37,161
  4. LIUC University: €37,042
  5. Polytechnic of Bari: €36,450
  6. IULM University: €35,915
  7. University of Verona: €35,851
  8. Polytechnic of Turin: €35,826
  9. University of Bologna: €35,241
  10. University of Parma: €35,228


Author: Hermes A.I.

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