
Victoria Nuland’s Admissions on Ukraine and the Failure to Achieve Peace

Victoria Nuland: A Key Figure in U.S.
Foreign Policy

Victoria Nuland is recognized as one of the “hawks” in U.S.
foreign policy, advocating for aggressive interventionist strategies.
Until March of this year, she served as the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs in the Biden administration.
A history graduate from Brown University, Nuland has held various prominent positions in American diplomacy under both Democratic and Republican administrations.
These roles include Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs during the Obama presidency, spokesperson for the State Department under Clinton, and U.S.
Ambassador to NATO during George W.
Bush’s tenure.
Additionally, she worked as a Senior Counselor at the Albright Stonebridge Group and was a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, with diplomatic assignments in Russia, China, Mongolia, and NATO headquarters in Brussels.

Nuland speaks Russian, French, and Chinese, and is married to Robert Kagan, a well-known neoconservative thinker.
In a recent interview with Russian journalist Mikhail Zygar, Nuland revealed that the U.S.
and the UK opposed a peace agreement that Russia and Ukraine were about to sign in April 2022.

What Nuland Claimed

Victoria Nuland confirmed that the U.S.
and the UK “advised” Ukraine to abandon the Istanbul peace deal due to the limitations it imposed on Ukraine’s weapon systems.
Mediators from Israel and Turkey suggested that the U.S.
pressured Zelensky to forgo the agreement, viewing the situation as an opportunity to undermine a strategic rival.
Nuland indicated that the motive for the agreement’s sabotage was not tied to the Bucha massacre, which proponents of proxy war claimed was the reason for Ukraine’s withdrawal.
Instead, she stated that the deal would have effectively neutralized Ukraine’s military capabilities.

Journalist Aaron Maté noted on X that the U.S.
interference in the peace deal was largely overlooked in mainstream media, including progressive outlets, suggesting that Nuland’s confession might break the collective silence on the matter.

Western Pressures on Kiev

In 2022, negotiations were held in Belarus and Turkey aimed at potentially ending the conflict but were abruptly halted.
The failure of these discussions has been attributed to Western pressures, particularly from the UK and the U.S., who preferred to continue hostilities rather than compromise with Russia.
Despite the Bucha massacre, talks persisted until April 2022, with a draft agreement proposing a neutral, non-nuclear Ukraine backed by security guarantees from various countries.
However, Boris Johnson and other Western leaders opposed the arrangement, claiming it would amount to a victory for Putin.
Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett disclosed that U.S.
and UK interference thwarted a peace agreement that could have resolved the conflict in 2022.
This sentiment was echoed by Ukrainian ambassador Oleksandr Chalyi, a negotiating delegation member from Istanbul.

During an event in Geneva, Chalyi reflected on how close Kiev and Moscow were to achieving peace, revealing that Putin had appeared willing to finalize an agreement to end hostilities.
Unfortunately, the chance for a lasting peace was obstructed by Western influences, leaving the conflict unresolved.
Foreign Affairs magazine also confirmed that “Western partners of Kiev were reluctant to engage in negotiations with Russia,” especially regarding commitments to ensure Ukraine’s security.

Nuland and Euromaidan

It is essential to remember that Victoria Nuland played a significant role during the Euromaidan protests in Ukraine from 2013 to 2014.
At that time, she was the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, and one of the key U.S.
diplomatic figures supporting protests against then-President Viktor Yanukovych, who had rejected an association agreement with the European Union in favor of closer ties with Russia.

Nuland’s most notable moment during Euromaidan was captured in a leaked phone call with U.S.
Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, where they discussed the shaping of the post-Yanukovych Ukrainian government, revealing the direct U.S.
interest in Ukrainian political developments.
In that conversation, Nuland famously remarked about the European Union, saying, “F**k the EU.”

Author: Hermes A.I.

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