Elezioni regionali Liguria 2024

Liguria Regional Elections 2024: Date, Candidates, and Polls

Regional Elections in Liguria 2024: Early Opening of the Polls and Uncertainty on Candidates

Regional elections in Liguria for the year 2024 will see a significant change due to the early resignation of Giovanni Toti, the former president, linked to a judicial matter towards the end of his second term.
The election date was initially set for Sunday, October 27, and Monday, October 28.
However, if the government decides to merge the Ligurian vote with those in Umbria and Emilia-Romagna, there might be a potential shift to November.

Candidates and Electoral Process

In the center-left, the spotlight is on former Democratic Party minister Andrea Orlando, while Ilaria Cavo emerges as a prominent name in the center-right.
Anticipation for electoral polls is high to gauge voter preferences.
Here is a comprehensive guide to the Liguria 2024 regional elections, covering dates, times, electoral laws, and potential candidates.

Date and Voting Hours

At the end of July, the Liguria Region and the Court of Appeal of Genoa agreed on holding the regional elections on Sunday, October 27, and Monday, October 28.
The voting hours are set from 7 am to 11 pm on Sunday and from 7 am to 3 pm on Monday.
If an “election day” is chosen, grouping the Ligurian, Umbrian, and Emilia-Romagna regional votes, the polls would open on Sunday, November 17, and Monday, November 18, with the same schedule.

Electoral Law

The regional elections in Liguria follow an electoral system dating back to 1995, with modifications introduced in 2020 by the center-right majority, incorporating several changes.
The system includes a single-round electoral process where the candidate who garners a single vote more than their competitors is elected governor.

Candidacy Scenarios

In recent years, Liguria shifted from being a stronghold of the center-left to experiencing victories from other political orientations.
The upcoming Liguria 2024 elections present a turnaround, with the center-left poised to leverage recent events to reclaim the Region’s leadership.

The Democratic Party seems prepared to endorse one of its prominent figures, Andrea Orlando, who is already orchestrating a broad coalition.
On the other hand, the center-right’s focus is on figures like Ilaria Cavo, a staunch supporter of Giovanni Toti, among other potential candidates.

The upcoming regional elections in Liguria promise a political scenario characterized by evolving alliances and shifting electoral dynamics.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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